My Success Is only by Allah

Ahmad J. Naous Ph.D,CPSSE
1 min readSep 19, 2023

The recognition that success comes from Allah is an important aspect of Islamic belief and humility. In Islam, it is common for Muslims to acknowledge that their achievements and successes are ultimately the result of Allah’s guidance, blessings, and grace. This acknowledgment is often expressed through phrases like “Alhamdulillah” (Praise be to Allah) and “InshaAllah” (If Allah wills).

This perspective encourages gratitude and a sense of reliance on Allah. It reminds individuals that while they may work hard and strive for success, the ultimate outcome is in the hands of a higher power. It also helps maintain humility and a sense of gratitude, as people recognize that their abilities and opportunities are gifts from Allah.

In addition to recognizing success as coming from Allah, Islam also emphasizes the importance of ethical and lawful means in achieving one’s goals. Muslims are encouraged to work diligently, be honest, and uphold moral principles while pursuing success.

Ultimately, the belief that success is only by Allah serves as a reminder of the spiritual dimension of life and the interconnectedness of human effort and divine intervention in achieving our goals and aspirations.



Ahmad J. Naous Ph.D,CPSSE

I am Humanitarian, Balanced Scorecard consultant and management educator, who helps managers and organizations learn from their past, understand the present .