Scaling React Native Apps: Strategies and Solutions Offered by Professional Development Companies

5 min readJun 27, 2023


Scaling React Native apps means maintaining mobile app performance optimum as the app grows over time. Further, maintenance must be done periodically and as per requirements. The React Native app development companies strive to build flawless app softwares with low maintenance needs. As a result, the app software exhibits longevity, performs well, and can be remodeled according to the requirements. These days, people have a plethora of options to choose from. Every industry has been going through tough competition. Every business and start-up strives to be in front of their target audience and stay on top. To do so, React Native developers offer various cross-platform app development solutions and find strategies to improve scalability.

Strategies Implemented by React Native App Development Companies

Nowadays, app scalability is not a concern of backend developers anymore. React Native app development companies have started focusing on developing app softwares with such precision and accuracy that it lasts long as it grows over time. The main challenges app softwares faces are related to performance and on-time maintenance while ensuring the proper functioning. Technology also improves over time, which requires necessary maintenance and adjustments. Therefore, developers need to find strategies to overcome such big challenges.

Let’s look at some of those solutions and strategies offered by professional React Native app development companies-


Memoization refers to remembering the results related to some sets of specific inputs. In other words, the ‘time cost’ gets reduced in exchange for ‘space cost.’ Developers use several methods to apply memoization. A few of these methods include React.memo, useMemo, pure components, or life-cycle method shouldComponentUpdate. When it comes to caching, Memoization is a specific case of optimization. It is entirely different from buffering and page replacement.

Performance Optimization

To develop a successful mobile application, periodic optimization, and performance monitoring is essential. Every trusted React Native mobile app development company must use proven techniques and tools to monitor the app’s performance. Further, find ways to better optimize the mobile app software and track app performance metrics. There are several techniques that a development company uses to remove the potential scalability challenges related to performance. They provide insight into memory leakages, CPU usage, network latency, and more.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Server-side rendering is beneficial to React Native applications. Next.js and Gatsby are two extremely useful frameworks. React Native app development companies leverage these frameworks during the app development process. Rendering React components on the server becomes easy with the help of such frameworks. React Native app development companies then deliver the pre-rendered HTML to the client. Further, SSR helps in improving SEO, initial loading time, and overall user experience.

Architecture Review and Refactoring

Conducting architectural reviews to identify and remove potential hurdles and areas of improvement. It is performed for effective state management as a part of scaling React Native apps. React native app development companies use libraries, such as Redux, MobX, or Flux for better data flow, centralized state management, and simplify complex applications. Therefore, along with easy handling of large-scale applications, architecture review, and refactoring also ensure data consistency.

Code Splitting

Code splitting is another way to improve React Native app maintainability and scalability. Companies use code splitting to load necessary at runtime. In addition, it helps improve the startup time as large data gets split into smaller chunks. The user gets the data only when they need it. As a result, the overall app performance is improved. The data can be loaded on demand or in parallel.

Monitoring and Analytics

Testing and quality assurance play an important role in optimization and removing potential scalability challenges. React Native app development companies usually use automated testing fireworks such as Detox or Jest to detect and fix issues early in development processes. By detecting issues early in the development process, companies easily improve app stability and scalability. Therefore, thorough testing using unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests are important to overcome scalability challenges.

Code Optimization

Code optimization involves reducing unnecessary re-renders, minimizing the number of bridge calls between JavaScript and native code, and optimizing rendering. Further, companies also analyze the app’s architecture, identify bottlenecks, implement efficient data structures, and refactor the app code to make the app more efficient. The redundancy issue is also resolved to improve overall performance.

Code Modularization

Code modularization means breaking the mobile app into smaller and reusable modules. As a result, it improves maintainability and scalability. React Native mobile app development companies use several techniques and tools to reduce initial bundle size and load only necessary modules during runtime. Thus, improving app performance.

Load Balancing and Horizontal Scaling

Load balancing helps with the distribution of incoming traffic evenly across multiple servers or instances. On the other hand, horizontal scaling allows development companies to handle concurrent users and manage increased traffic. Therefore, professional development companies ensure that backend infrastructure is efficient, scalable, and can handle heavy loads. Catching is another technique used to ensure optimal performance.

Backend as a Service (BaaS)

BaaS means outsourcing the backend aspects of mobile applications which includes database management, user authentication, remote updating, cloud storage, hosting, and push notifications. In such cases, developers only need to maintain frontend which includes user interface and client-side logic. BaaS providers, thus, offer serverless computing and the rest is the developers’ jobs.


There you have it! Now you can manage and handle the scaling challenges. These strategies are offered by professional development companies to scale React Native apps. Developers can easily address performance and scalability challenges and remove them in time. Further, some approaches depend on several considerable factors, such as the app requirements, complexity, and target audience. It also depends on what a specific project demands. Thus, it is crucial to pay close attention and check thoroughly before following any strategy. You must understand that proper scaling and optimal performance are achieved through periodic testing and expert guidance. Hence, every professional React Native app development company must ensure during the initial stage of the mobile app development process. Every method works differently and efficiently. You have to find the best suitable method for you.

