Talent Is Not Enough. Talent Needs A TENT To Thrive.

Talent Without Exposure, Network, And A Tribe Is Just Like A Candle In The Wind.

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


“ If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”


Earth, Los Angeles, September 2020

The city of Los Angeles ka LA, and the state of California are facing forest fires that they have never seen before.

Maybe the Angels of the city are also victims of Covid-19. In mid-day, the smoke generated by forest fires plunges the city into an orange atmosphere exceeding the mood and visuals in Blade Runner 2049.

Are we already in 2049?

People in the streets see A Clockwork Orange characters as Disney characters because 2020 is definitely the craziest year of our modern history.

With Covid-19 and social distancing, Hollywood has never been so crowded with talented actresses, actors, writers, and directors staying home. Another giant is on their knees because of this pandemic.

In 2010, one of my best friends had his engagement party in LA. This was my first time in the US.



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

🏆 Top Medium Writer in Ideas. I am a professional storyteller who can help you share your stories. Find out more here: https://www.madception.com