Broad discussion of the 2019 film Parasite

4 min readJul 4, 2024


Let’s face it. “To see opportunity we must be open to all thoughts”. The harshness of life is a commonality among the classes of society. Although it is there individuals tend to overlook their class oftentimes because the top class appear favorable and desirable compared to their class. In an average society there is the poor, the middle class and the wealthy. Those in the lowest class find themselves striving to the top classes position through education, career and sometimes through inappropriate or unlawful activities. The justification for such practices can be drawn by one’s own consciousness. The answer is, there is none. Making decisions about how to survive, and enjoy life is hard. Why not create chances for yourself using time and opportunity, to explore ideas and thoughts that are desirable to oneself, to live fulfilling those desires, goals and pride. In the face of adversity, it is in one’s humble interest to resort to sources of all kinds of sectors and places at any time discovered. Some individuals tend to be reckless and impulsive, while others plan out a blueprint, a written or an orally conducted way to achieve their goal or purpose and a meaning to their unsettled and burdened life. In the award winning film Parasite, Bong Joon-Ho explores the interaction of time and opportunity in an individual’s attempt to create a desired life for themselves through deception, calculated or strategic planning/thought and

The Kim family through their use of deception and manipulation has created opportunity for themselves and. aimed to elevate their social status. With their daughter’s forging talent they were able to forge several documents to secure a tutoring job for ki-woo for the wealthy Park family, a job for the daughter to pretend to be an art therapist for their youngest and only son. The kid seems to have some childhood trauma which helps the daughter to play into Mrs.Park’s emotions, making her think her son’s case is severe and that the art therapist is heavily necessary. All this in hopes to hold on to her job. These attempts of deception though not clearly identified by Kim’s family can be read as an effort to infiltrate the wealthy family. Society presents itself. with so much disparity amongst classes , with its hardships for the lower classes and the ones below poverty lines, the need and desire for change present’s itself highly. Oftentimes the poor are seen falling into criminal activities because for them it’s a matter of the need to survive. While one person might steal because they “just wanted to eat” the poor steal so they don’t starve and die. Similarly Kim’s family had “ no plan at all, no plan” of taking over the wealthy family but once they tasted how comfortable, secure and easygoing they can be living like the rich they became greedy as expected. It’s human nature to desire something more after tasting a little bit of it, it’s almost like becoming addicted to it, getting infected yourself and getting others involved. Once the two siblings got involved they brought in their father as the driver for the wealthy family and their mother as housekeeper all these through the creation of fake identities and authorities. Such as “the care” company Mr.Kim made Mr.Park believe it was an actual company and they offered the best and most generous workers by saying that the company even offered him. a position as “a veteran level driver” but he chose to stay for him because he cared so. He gained Mr.Prk’s trust and succeeded in getting his last family member infiltrated in this work of pure fraud. This family’s way of sourcing a better future for themselves while unethical can be understood because of the limited to no opportunities available to them.

The Kim family faces severe consequences for their infiltration into the park, revealing the limits and dangers of relying solely on deception and other ways of creating opportunities for oneself. On the occasion of a horrendous stormy night, when the weather played a crucial role in revealing the true colors of the Kim family, it is seen that the family’s only true living space is flooded with water and they have to flee to a nearby gym with the locals of their level. The Kim family receives calls individually from members of the wealthy family for an invitation to a birthday party for their youngest son. At this party, a tragic event occurs, killing the daughter of the Kim family and injuring the mother and the son. Mr. Kim, while saving his daughter, kills another person from fear for his life. He runs into the lowest basement of the wealthy family’s mansion, where he hides for years until he is discovered by his son upon waking up from a long coma. In this event, the true nature of Mr. Kim is revealed in his attempt to save his family members. It is learned that the daughter dies, while the mother and son live to see another day. The father remains hidden in the basement of the wealthy family. No matter how one hides and masks who they are and their intentions, at a crucial time, when their loved ones are at risk, they reveal themselves as they try to save their family. Their success was only temporary because they gained this perception of opportunity unethically. Opportunities that are gained through deception and the use of dishonesty and immoral behaviors do not last long; they only last for a little while and vanish unnoticed. This is why it is important to seek opportunity at the right time.

