Ahmed Mujtaba
2 min readDec 19, 2021


“Perfectionism prevents action. Waiting until you have devised the perfect solution to something is merely a form of procrastination.”

So, I came across this technique of managing time known as Pomodoro Technique.

The Pomodoro technique is a simple yet effective tool for focused work with planned breaks in between. The Pomodoro Technique helps you complete your task in less time. Lets have a look on how to apply this time managing technique:

Being a top tier procrastinator, I usually do my tasks in the last moment. So I adopted this Pomodoro Technique to get my task done in less time.

So, I had to complete a pending university assignment of mine. I have a bad habit of checking Instagram during my task and it diverts my attention. A task which could be completed in 1 hour takes 3 hours. I implemented this technique to overcome this procrastination habit and get my task done easily. It was undoubtedly challenging for me but I end up completing my task on time and also got some extra time for my other chores.

I will definitely implement this technique in the future. I will make this a new habit to do my chores, tasks and even test preparations. Indulging myself completely into my task for 25 minutes seems not too much plus the task is also done on time.

