How to Mine Bitcoin on Amazon AWS| $5000 Earnings

Ahmed Raza
3 min readJan 19, 2024


Hello Guys, so today I am going to share with you, How I made around $5000 ( 0.12892494 BTC ) from mining bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies on Amazon AWS Servers. So lets begin.

This article is perfect If you want to start bitcoin mining on Amazon aws servers. So at first I though Mining on Amazon is illegal but i then confirmed this with amazon support team. So It’s all legal guys dont worry.

Kryptex Dashboard

First of all we need a account on Amazon aws.

Step1: Create Account on Amazon AWS (

Then we need GPU Based machines. currently there are 2 GPU Based powerfull machine instances series that amazon provide. G and P series.

Both of these series have good GPU’s. So we need these machines. But amazon donot provide these series on new aws accounts as these machines are expensive and if used unprofessionaly . It can lead to a very high bill. so amazon makes sures, You understand about the use of aws platform .

Step 2: Running Small Instances to make History

So after creating account on amazon. You have to first run small instances and at the end of the month pay the invoice bills of these instances. You can pay $20-$30 each month. This amount is perfect.

Step 3: Requesting quota Increase

After this time period. Request quota increase of G and P series instances to amazon team. and make sure to type: You need these quotas for heavy duty working.

After 2–3 Days amazon suppor team will aprove your quota request and then you can use this quota to run machines.

Before moving forward. I would like to share some more resources form where i got knowledge about mining cryptocurrencies on Amazon Cloud.

Michael Ludvig-

Make sure to follow Michael Ludvig. He is the guy who helped me in making $5000 from Amazon AWS. Everyone can learn a lot from his articles. I will highly recommend everyone to follow him and read his Ethereum mining artciles. You will get knowledge about GPU Based virtual machines and which machine is more powerfull for mining and generating overall revenue.

Step 3: Making G and P Series Instances

Once your quota has been approved. you have to simple create the instance. For most of the mining I have used Kryptex. an automated software.

Step:4 Installing GPU Drivers and Kryptex Software

After creating the instance, first you have to identify what type of gpu is inside that vm . It can be Nvidia and Amd. Now after identifying. Install their drivers and then Install kryptex software.

Step 5: Start mining and Earn upto $10,000 Per month

Now run kryptex software and then you will see that mining has been started. Kryptex software will automatically mine what is the best coin and their profitability.

Step 6: How to withdraw Earnings from Kryptex.

We can withdraw in multiple currencies from Kryptex Like Bitcoin, ether, Tron usdt and binance usdt.

My Payout History

We can withdraw our earnings in binance and then sell these to withdraw in our Local Bank accounts.

The main question here is, Is it Profitable to mine on Amazon AWS ?

These GPU’s are really expensive and until we have free aws credits we should not mine crypto currencies otherwise aws bill will be really high.

My usage bill was around $78,000 while i only made $5500. I ran mining because i had around $100k free credit in my account and I just wanted to use them otherwise they would have expired.

I hope that you had liked my article and make sure to Thumns up this and follow me on youtube and Linkedin.

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If you are into Hacking Stuff. Checkout my Other article on IDOR Vulnerability.

Make sure to Thumbs up my Article.

Take care and good Bye.

