Online Learning Challenges Faced by Student

Ahmed Adnan
4 min readNov 27, 2021


Online Learning

Introduction: Online learning is education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred to as “eLearning” among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of “distance learning” — the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in a traditional classroom.

Online Learning Challenges: The COVID-19 has changed the study scenario for various students because now, most of the candidates are studying according to their own schedule. However, there are multiple challenges surrounding online learning, The internet accessibility has resulted in an increment in the demand for online learning across the world. We know very well that online learning has managed to attract lots of attention. But many of them face some challenges such as hindrances in their learning. The advantages are getting suppressed by the challenge during the process of learning. In this article, I have provided some of the challenges faced by the students and professors.

Online Learning Challenges Faced by Student

#1 Online Learning Challenges —Flexibility

The students find this difficult to adapt to the online learning environment immediately after the traditional classroom learning program. The students who have always been studying in the traditional classroom mindset are not able to focus on the online platform at once. It is important for the students to accept the new learning environment with an open mind.

#2 Online Learning Challenges — Technical Issues

Many students are not well equipped with a high internet connection that is required for online learning. Due to this, they face problems in going live for virtual learning and other platforms that require an internet connection. They face technical issues as they are not much aware of technology and computer applications. A slow and high internet connection can play an important role in how quickly you can attend the class and do not miss any live sessions. There is a possibility of poor connectivity if you find difficulty in downloading some information related to the subject, blurred videos, etc.

#3 Online Learning Challenges — Computer Knowledge

Lack of computer education is a major concern in today’s world. There are many students who still cannot operate basic computers with MS word and PowerPoint. And whenever some technical issues emerge, they find it difficult to solve the problem in such a scenario. They face difficulties with live classes, usage of appropriate icons, MS office, communication-related apps and websites, browsing study materials, etc. Sometimes they do not know technology proficiency like login, live classes, creating and submitting work, communicating with teachers and friends.

#4 Online Learning Challenges — Time Management

In many cases, students find difficulty in managing their time with online learning. Online learning is completely new for them and requires intensive work. They need a scheduled planner to manage their time in an effective manner. Online learning provides flexible time, unlike traditional classrooms. But some face difficulties in adjusting to the time required for online learning.

#5 Online Learning Challenges — Distraction

Learning from home is an amazing experience. You might expect things around you to be like a school campus. But at home things are different for example, you might want a massive classroom, parks, playgrounds, canteens, friends, teachers around you to guide and learn. But with online learning, you have to manage everything in one room with parents around you. You can be easily distracted by small things at home.

