Uniswap V4: Empowering Decentralized Trading with Innovative Features

Ahmed Ali
5 min readJun 15, 2023


Uniswap v4 has arrived, heralding a new era of power and possibilities in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). This major upgrade brings a whirlwind of innovation to decentralized trading, providing users with groundbreaking functionalities and enhanced capabilities.

Taken from https://blog.uniswap.org/uniswap-v4

Let’s dive into the key features that make Uniswap v4 a game-changer. The major upgrade includes:

  • Custom logic with hooks
  • Streamlined singleton architecture
  • Flash accounting
  • Native ETH support
  • ERC-1155 accounting
  • Enhanced governance
  • Direct liquidity provider donations

🪝 Hooks: Unleashing the Power of Custom Logic! 🧪💡

With Uniswap v4, hooks take center stage, offering a fascinating way to incorporate custom logic throughout a program’s lifecycle. These magical contracts enable users to enhance liquidity actions, implement dynamic fees, and integrate Uniswap liquidity with other protocols. Imagine the possibilities of dynamic swap fees, advanced order types (limit orders, TWAP orders), and seamless interactions with other DeFi platforms. The freedom to create is yours!

🎯 8 key action hooks to enhance your liquidity pool’s journey:

  • beforeInitialize/afterInitialize
  • beforeModifyPosition/afterModifyPosition
  • beforeSwap/afterSwap
  • beforeDonate/afterDonate
Taken from https://github.com/Uniswap/v4-core/blob/main/whitepaper-v4-draft.pdf

Hooks are the key to tweaking pool parameters and adding incredible new features. Explore the potential:

  • Execute large orders with Time-Weighted Average Market Makers (TWAMMs).
  • Embrace limit orders, your new best friend.
  • Dynamic fees based on volatility? It’s possible!
  • LPs can tap into MEV internalization.
  • Create custom Oracle implementations, as unique as your vision!

An example of limit orders? Here’s how it works:

i. Place your order on the hook contract.

ii. Your order joins the V4 position, managed by the hook contract.

iii. Swaps happen, orders fill, and liquidity adjusts.

On-chain limit orders, voilà!

Here is an example given in v4-periphery

Some awesome github repos to check:

i. saucepoint/v4-template by @saucepoint

ii. jtriley-eth/huff-hooks by @jtriley_eth

☝️ Singleton Architecture: Streamlining Efficiency! ✨💰

In Uniswap v4, a paradigm shift occurs as the factory model makes way for a groundbreaking approach. Enter the Singleton Contract, a single entity that governs all pools. Witness the evolution of efficiency and simplicity!

🏗️ In the past, Uniswap relied on a factory/pool pattern, where each token pair pool was created through the factory contract. But in v4, a transformation takes place. All pools find their home under the watchful eye of a singular contract, streamlining the entire process.

💸 This innovative approach brings forth astounding benefits. Pool deployment costs plummet by a staggering 99%, paving the way for an optimized gas experience. The era of multi-trade swaps unfolds, offering unprecedented efficiency.

⛓️ No longer constrained by the limitations of traditional pool creation, the contract empowers users to traverse diverse token paths. A new era of cost-effectiveness and streamlined operations. Say goodbye to unnecessary gas expenses and embrace the efficiency that awaits!

Taken from https://blog.uniswap.org/uniswap-v4

💡 Flash Accounting: Simplifying Complex Pool Operations! 🔒⚡

Flash accounting ensures no tokens are owed to the pool or caller by the end of the lock. Transient storage opcodes (proposed in EIP-1153) optimize gas costs for multi-pool trades. Efficiency and complexity reimagined!

🔑 Transient Storage Opcodes (EIP-1153):

  • Behave like storage, but is discarded after each transaction.
  • Cheaper, with no disk access.
  • Smart contracts access via TLOAD (0x5c) and TSTORE (0x5d) opcodes.

💥 Experience enhanced efficiency and seamless integration in Uniswap v4. Flash accounting and transient storage opcodes propel gas optimization and empower complex trade scenarios.

Note: EIP-1153 is being considered as part of the Ethereum Cancun hardfork.

🌐 Native ETH Support: Saving on Gas Costs! 💰🔄

Uniswap v4 pioneers the reintroduction of native ETH in trading pairs, marking a significant breakthrough. While Uniswap v1 exclusively featured ETH paired with ERC-20 tokens, native ETH pairs were temporarily removed in v2 due to implementation complexity and concerns over liquidity fragmentation. However, with the advent of the Singleton Contract and flash accounting, these obstacles have been overcome, enabling Uniswap v4 to accommodate both WETH and native ETH pairs.

⚡️ Experience Lower Gas Costs: Native ETH transfers shine with approximately half the gas cost of ERC-20 transfers. Swapping native ETH against ERC-20 tokens no longer involves the additional step of converting to/from WETH, resulting in reduced transactional costs.

💼 ERC-1155 Accounting: Enhancing Token Management!

Uniswap v4 introduces support for ERC-1155 tokens, expanding token accounting capabilities.

🔗 Improved Token Accounting: Uniswap v4 empowers users to mint and burn ERC-1155 tokens within the singleton contract. This enables enhanced token accounting functionality, allowing users to conveniently manage their tokens without incurring ERC-20 transfers.

📈 Benefiting Frequent Swappers and Liquidity Providers: Users and hooks engaged in frequent token swaps or liquidity provisioning will greatly benefit from this feature. By utilizing ERC-1155 tokens within the singleton, they can optimize their operations over multiple blocks or transactions, promoting efficiency and cost savings.

🗳️ Enhanced Governance: Empowering Fee Control!

Uniswap v4 revolutionizes governance by introducing separate mechanisms for swap fees and withdrawal fees, giving governance entities greater control and flexibility.

🔒 Immutable Governance of Fees and Tick Spacing: In contrast to Uniswap v3, where governance had control over fee tiers and tick spacings, Uniswap v4 takes a different approach. Governance no longer dictates the permissible fee tiers or tick spacings. This architectural shift provides an invaluable foundation of immutability, paving the way for protocols to build innovative solutions on top of Uniswap.

💰 Donate Functionality: Direct Payments to Liquidity Providers!

Uniswap v4 introduces the donate() function, enabling users, integrators, and hooks to directly pay liquidity providers within a pool. Leveraging the efficient fee accounting system, this streamlined payment system supports payments in either of the tokens within the token pair of the pool. Users can now incentivize liquidity providers and explore novel fee systems with ease.


#UniswapV4 brings groundbreaking features to the world of decentralized trading:

🪝 Hooks: Enhance liquidity actions, implement dynamic fees, and integrate with other protocols. The possibilities are endless!

☝️ Singleton Architecture: With a single contract managing all pools, gas costs drop by 99%. Say goodbye to unnecessary expenses and embrace streamlined operations.

💡 Flash Accounting: No tokens owed at the end of the lock, thanks to transient storage opcodes. Trade seamlessly across multiple pools with reduced gas costs.

🌐 Native ETH Support: Uniswap v4 reintroduces native ETH in trading pairs, eliminating the need for wrapping. Enjoy a seamless trading experience and save on transactional costs.

💼 ERC-1155 Accounting: Users can mint and burn ERC-1155 tokens within the singleton, avoiding ERC-20 transfers. Perfect for frequent swappers and liquidity providers.

🗳️ Enhanced Governance: Separate governance mechanisms for swap fees and withdrawal fees allow governance to decide on capped percentages. Empowering decision-making.

💰Donate Functionality: Use the donate() function to tip liquidity providers in the pool’s tokens. A powerful tool for incentivization and gratitude.

📚 Find more inspiration in the announcement blog post: https://blog.uniswap.org/uniswap-v4

Stay tuned for a more technical breakdown of the protocol!

