RAG: Vector Databases vs Knowledge Graphs?

Ahmed Behairy
2 min readNov 28, 2023


Choosing between a Knowledge Graph (KG) and a vector database for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) with Large Language Models (LLMs) depends on the specific requirements and characteristics of your task. Here are some factors to consider:

When to Use a Knowledge Graph:

  1. Structured Data and Relationships: Use KGs when you need to manage and exploit complex relationships between structured data entities. Knowledge graphs are excellent for scenarios where the interconnections between data points are as important as the data points themselves.
  2. Domain-Specific Applications: For applications requiring deep, domain-specific knowledge, KGs can be particularly useful. They can represent specialized knowledge in fields like medicine, law, or engineering effectively.
  3. Explainability and Traceability: If your application requires a high degree of explainability (i.e., understanding how a conclusion was reached), KGs offer more transparent reasoning paths.
  4. Data Integrity and Consistency: KGs maintain data integrity and are suitable when consistency in data representation is crucial.

When to Use a Vector Database:

  1. Unstructured Data: Vector databases are ideal when dealing with large volumes of unstructured data, such as text, images, or audio. They’re particularly effective in capturing the semantic meaning of such data.
  2. Scalability and Speed: For applications requiring high scalability and fast retrieval from large datasets, vector databases are more suitable. They can quickly fetch relevant information based on vector similarity.
  3. Flexibility in Data Modeling: If the data lacks a well-defined structure or if you need the flexibility to easily incorporate diverse data types, a vector database can be more appropriate.
  4. Integration with Machine Learning Models: Vector databases are often used in conjunction with machine learning models, especially those that operate on embeddings or vector representations of data.

Combining Both:

In some cases, combining both approaches can be beneficial. For example, you can use a knowledge graph to maintain structured, domain-specific knowledge and a vector database to handle unstructured data and leverage machine learning models. This hybrid approach can provide both the deep, structured understanding of a KG and the flexibility and scalability of a vector database.


The choice between a KG and a vector database for LLM RAG retrieval depends on the nature of your data, the specific requirements of your application, and the need for scalability, flexibility, and explainability. Often, the best solution might involve a combination of both to leverage their respective strengths.



Ahmed Behairy

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