Financial Dashboard

Ahmed Emad
4 min readJul 22, 2023


Here is another Project for Data Analyst which covers analyzing,cleaning and visualizing data.

Final Dashboard

Check Dashboard at novypro

Final Dashboard

Tools Used in Project

  1. Excel
  2. Power Bi

Overview of Data

Data Source- Excel file Get it From Kaggle

Steps involved in this project

→Cleaning Data

→Connect Power Bi to The Data

→Cleaning and Transform Data

→Create some measures by DAX

→built interactive dashboard

Steps in Power BI

  1. Get Data From Excel File
  2. Transform data
  3. Create Measures Table
Measures Table
  1. Create some measures by DAX

(1) Total Transaction

Total Transaction = COUNTROWS(financials)

(2) Canada Transaction

Canada Transaction = CALCULATE([Total Transaction],financials[Country]="canada")

(3) Gross Sales

Gross Sales = SUMX(financials,financials[Units Sold]*financials[Sale Price])

(4) Total Discount

Total Discount = SUM(financials[Discounts])

(4) Net Sales

Net Sales = [Gross Sales]-[Total Discount]

(5) COGS

COGS = SUMX(financials,financials[Units Sold]*financials[Manufacturing Price])

(6) Total Profit

Total Profit = [Net Sales]-[COGS]

(7) Profit Negative

Profit Negative = var VProfit=[Total Profit]
var Vresult=IF( VProfit<0,VProfit,0)


(8) Profit Positive

Profit Positive = var VProfit=[Total Profit]

IF( VProfit<0,VProfit,0)

(9) Germany Gross

Germany Gross = CALCULATE([Total Profit],financials[Country]="Germany") 

(9) France Gross

France Gross = CALCULATE([Total Profit],financials[Country]="France")

5. Create Calender Table

Calender Table
Mark as Date Table

Built Interactive Dashboard

Final Dashboard
  1. Insert Shapes
  2. Add title and logo
  3. Create Cards

→ create 4 cards to show total Transaction and total COGS and Gross Sales and Net Sales.


→ create 3 cards to show Total Quantity Sold and Total Discount and Total Location.


→ create one card to show total Profit.


→ create one card to Compare Gross Profit in Germany and France.

4. Total Profit by Year and Qrt

Total Profit by Year and Qrt

→ Create a Line Chart Shows Positive and Negative Total Profit by Year and Qrt.

5. Total Profit by Day

Total Profit by Day

→ Create a Coulmn Chart Shows Positive and Negative Total Profit by Day.

6. Total Profit by Year

Total Profit by Year

→ Create a Donut Chart Shows Total Profit by Year.

7. Total Profit by Segmant

Total Profit by Segmant

→ Create a Bar Chart Shows Positive and Negative Total Profit by Segmant.

8. Total Profit by Discount Band

Total Profit by Discount Band

→ Create a Coulmn Chart Shows Positive and Negative Total Profit by Discount Band.

9. Country Slicer

Country Slicer

→ create a Country to filter charts and data by Country.

You Can Check Dashboard at novypro

→You can give a look to dashboard and can have other insights too from it.

I hope you like this project for your data analyst journey and also helped you to know actual use of excel and power bi in data analysis .

Keep Learning and Keep Growing…

