Bulleon Lending Platform Key Features

Ahmed galal
2 min readNov 24, 2018


1. A Peer-to-Peer Lenders Platform: Using our system, a cryptocurrency holder can get a loan in fiat money on the security of his/her digital asset. Before the end of the loan period, the security deposit will remain in the protected Bulleon system.
2. Secured Lending: Once the loan and the interest are paid within the agreed period, the pledged asset will be returned to the borrower in full.
3. Instant Disbursement: The Bulleon platform will provide an opportunity to issue our internal virtual or Bulleon International Debit Card instantly
4. Transparent Internal Ecosystem: Borrowers will be able to instantly receive credit funds in the fiat currency directly to the Bulleon account or use it depending on their needs — cash outfunds in ATMs, pay through terminals or shop online.

Advantages Over Traditional Loan Schemes

The overriding benefits include:
1. Fast Response: With Bulleon, anyone can borrow and lend almost instantaneously without unnecessary friction from banks and government regulations.
2. Flexible/Customized Interests Rate: You can crowdsource your loans from lenders around the world powered by a Bitcoin economy by choosing an interest rate which you can afford.
3. No Processing Charge: There is no processing fee charged to the borrower or lender for this.
4. A Win-win for Lenders and Borrowers: Through this system, lenders get profitable interest rates, and borrowers can borrow cheap loans, all thanks to the power of Blockchain’s speed and Bulleon’s quest to offer a cheaper alternative.



Ahmed galal

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