Payment of Dividends and Launch of a Full-fledged Commercial Activity

Ahmed galal
2 min readOct 1, 2018


In line with its ICO promise, Bulleon, the all-in-one digital asset platform, is glad to unveil the Phase 10 of its project outline. This stage marks a deployment of at least public beta versions of all previous phases that have been released. It represents a major milestone for not just Bulleon, but the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem as the steady incline of Bulleon’s first of its kind ‘no time limit’ ICO continues to wow investors and industry watchers.

What this milestone means is that in less than a year, Bulleon has gone beyond the execution of the first five items on its roadmap, to kick starting ten of its project phases. These phases include:
Phase 1 — Preparing a transparent structure and commercial activity plan of the company
Phase 2 — iOS/Android/Windows/Mac/Web app development start
Phase 3 — Cloud mining platform and data-center construction start
Phase 4 — Bulleon International Debit Card
Phase 5 — Independent cryptocurrency trading platform
Phase 6 — Bulleon E-Commerce Payment Gateway for Merchants)
Phase 7 — Peer-2-peer lending platform
Phase 8 — Biometric hardware wallet & login authentication
Phase 9 — Integration of services into a single active platform and
Phase 10- The official announcement of dividends payments

Setting Quarterly Dividends Payout Clock

It is pertinent to state that as a natural order of the project life of Bulleon, that integration of services and tools takes place from Phase 2 onwards. At this stage, commercial activity has already begun, and 40% of the operating profit is invested in the dividend fund. However, since the integration of services and tools commenced from Phase 2, it is only normal for it to be the benchmark for deciding the commencement of quarterly payments of dividends because that is when the Bulleon engine became operational in the marketplace.

Dividend Calculation Formula

At Phase 2, Bulleon can be said to have laid the groundwork for engaging in a robust cryptocurrency business, and from here the funds raised from the ICO are calculated FORMULA: (ICO raised funds) — (the cost of executing the project) = DIVIDEND ALLOCATION: 80% are allocated to BLN investors/shareholders/token-holders. 20% of the funds remain available to continue the operation of the company.



Ahmed galal

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