Here’s to the new chapter for SwahiliBox

Ahmed Mohamed Maawy
3 min readApr 11, 2018


Its been a journey in Mombasa. Since 7 to 8 years back. From the days we had GTUG setup, to the days we worked to setup Mombasa Tech Community. And finally, we set out on an ambitious venture to have technology hubs, and SwahiliBox was born. Personally, its been ups and downs. Lessons in entrepreneurship, social dynamics, people, and idea bootstrapping. Its made me a much better version of myself.

One particular thing about this whole journey though (even if with so many road blocks) is that I have mentored and prepared a team of individuals who will take the journey on, meaning I do not need to be on the driver’s seat. I will therefore be on the passenger’s seat. I will be stepping into Advisory Board for SwahiliBox, and will be joining a team of accomplished folks who have been with SwahiliBox for a long time, and have been a mentor & advisor for me on many issues. Its an emotional moment for me (even though yes, this was my initial objective). But I think I have met my objective. Being more than a year away from action and seeing a team execute and deliver means this team is ready. And here is the baton to them.

I would like to thank especially, Aly Salim, Lilian Wambua and Ajra Abullatif for being there and taking battles when no one else could. I am also happy to have had driven and passionate volunteers, 3 of who have made it to Andela. Pride for myself is in seeing the impact my work has brought to the people who believed in the vision. The big picture.

Being a volunteer and being an Executive driven by passion and purpose takes people places. The people who have made things happen at SwahiliBox most definitely have a 5 year plan for themselves.

At SwahiliBox, I saw people who believed in the vision and who stuck to the vision to the very end. And most of them made it to great places, these people own their own destinies. That’s the essence of my engagement with the community. I wanted each community member to own their own destiny, to drive change and to know how to make it without me in the picture.

I believe we are finally at the point where SwahiliBox needs new blood, new ideas, new ways to execute, new ways to think, new ways to drive. I may have had perspectives, but the community has its own way of thinking. The community has its own heart, body and soul, and I am happy to see the community shaping up their own initiatives. This was the whole point.

And no, I have not totally stepped away. I am still with SwahiliBox, less Executive, more Advisory. And the team and volunteers will still find me and talk to me and exchange ideas.

As a parting note, one of the things I would like to mention in relation to the mishaps I faced setting up technology hubs is that.. unlike what most people think about technology hubs, they are only just catalysts to greater things. Contrary to popular belief, the hubs themselves are not the real deal. Sometimes all we need to have is patience. Good things take time.

The hub is a foundation, its a mindset. But what the hub shall provide as the next big thing (as a catalyst) is the real deal. Most of us miss out on the true benefits of all this because we get too engrossed in the smaller picture of things.

Perhaps this is why I am not worried about re-investing in scaling back to what I had and lost. Because I shall invest in what matters. As a person who builds technology eco-systems you need to see common shillings sometimes and not common cents.

So, as for myself.. its on to other things. And maybe those who will join me on that journey when the time is right are those I have had the pleasure of doing amazing things with. Its been more than 5 years, and I have had the pleasure of knowing an exceptional few, the people who can drive the next generation of amazing things for the region. And I thank them all. We may meet again, until then…

Lets take SwahiliBox to greater heights. Together… and Thank you.

