5 Reading Activities For Kids

rayhan ahmed
3 min readMay 30, 2020


Turning the act of reading into a game can be quite fun for you. But for other times, we have come up with some interesting reading activities for kindergarten kids that can keep your child engaged.

1. Reading Photographs

Simply reading words is not enough. Comprehending their meaning and expressing what isn’t written goes a long way in language development of a child, too.

What You Need

  • A book of pictures
  • A family album

How To Play

Open any page of the book or a nice photo from the family album that is quite descriptive. Ask your child what he thinks is going on in the picture and let him describe it to you. Nudge him to form complete sentences when he explains what he sees.

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2. Personal Diary

You might think that kindergarten is too young for a child to have a diary. But this is a perfect age for him to start reading his activities.

What You Need

  • A decorated diary and a pen

How To Play

Depending on how old your child is, either you can ask him to write down in the diary at specific intervals, or you can write what your child did in a day as well. Then, on the following day, ask your child to read the entries of the previous day.

3. Put The Story Together

Along with reading, children also need to be introduced to the concept of causality and the sense of a story. This activity can help them with it.

What You Need

  • Multiple flashcards
  • A Pen

How To Play

Pick a simple story that your child has read and split into different sections by writing them down on various flash cards. Shuffle them and hand them to your child. Let him arrange the cards in a manner that it reads like a proper story.

Easy kids reading tips

4. Picture And Word Association

For the ones that are just beginning out, this simple activity can help assign meaning to words.

What You Need

  • A collection of pictures
  • Flash cards and a pen

How To Play

Arrange all the pictures around your child and write their names on the flashcards. Ask your child to place the correct flash card on the matching picture by reading it aloud.

5. Word Search

As children grow up, they can involve themselves in activities to find recognisable words from a jumble of gibberish.

What You Need

  • An activity book

How To Play

Start by either using solved crosswords or existing word search puzzles to give to your child. Ask him to find specific words in the jumble and circle them with a pencil.

Did you know that all children have eight smarts, one of which is Word Smart, which focuses on vocabulary building, which these reading activities will do. However, it is also essential that your child’s other smarts are boosted for all-round development. The Intellikit (also based on the Multiple Intelligence theory) is a one-of-its-kind activity subscription box for kids, that promotes learning through fun activities. Based on a unique theme each month, each box comes packed with worksheets, calendars, cards, and, storybooks that promote the development of all 8 smarts in your child. Simply pick your subscription duration or opt for a trial box to get started.

Putting together some interesting reading activities for preschoolers doesn’t seem like a tough job once you know the basics your child needs to adhere to. By utilising these activities, your kid can be well-prepared to handle the demands of the school curriculum with ease.

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