Why I Believe In Giving Away Knowledge for FREE?

Ahmed Memon
3 min readJan 21, 2020


Knowledge is ❤

Back in year 2000, when I graduated from B.S Computer Engineering, I had no job. After death of my father (the bread earner) in 1998, my elder brother took his place, leaving his studies in the middle and started running our grocery shop. Four of us siblings were studying plus home on rent, it was tough to meet ends, but my elder brother was working day and night without single complain.

In order to follow my passion of Computer Programming, I along with my friend, went to an institute and took demo session of one of the best teacher in town for JAVA Language.

After attending first session, the administrative staff called me and my friend and told either pay the fee upfront or leave. We requested them that we will definitely pay within 15 days, but they were firm on their stance.

With heavy hearts we left the institute.

Later, our family got money out of a property sell. So I started applying to different universities in the USA and UK and was working in a local company. I wanted to do Masters and then PhD.

I was waiting for my I-20 from Wichita State University, but our local postal services (GPO) missed the I-20 somewhere. Upon my direct call to university they faxed me the I-20 rightaway. I have had all other documents prepared. But the issue was that even after getting extension from university, the delay for Visa interview was 30–35 days, that is why, I dropped the idea of going Witchita.

Then I applied for a college in the United Kingdom, but UK Consulate in Pakistan says they want me to interview and since they’ve closed interviews they asked me to apply again.

Second time, I applied to another UK college paid partial fee and re-applied, same response from UK Consulate, one of my friend called by UK Consulate, interviewed and given visa, while other one got visa at home. When I called consulate and told them you guys are conducting interviews yet not taking mine and asking me to re-apply, their response was epic “what is written for you, is for you only”

After finding I will not able to do masters and wasted my 2 years, I get back to reality and tried to start my own business. I did not opt for any graduation program locally since I had to support my family.

I still have thrust for knowledge, if its premium and I get enough money I take it, otherwise, I still try to grasp as much as I can get for free.

These are the reasons, I try to convey information and knowledge to whoever seeks. I understand, education/knowledge/information can never be free since, it requires lot of time to compile single piece of write up or video or course etc. But in my personal capacity, whenever I get time, I try to give away whatever knowledge I have.

I am a web-developer by profession and enthusiast Amazon FBA Private Label Product Seller, if I could be of any assistance and I am not busy in any work, I would be more than happy to assist you.

All the best!

Happy Learning.

