8 Proven UX Practices for Designing Accessible Steppers

Tarek Ahmed
4 min readApr 15, 2023


Designing a stepper can be a complex process for UX designers. A stepper is a multi-step process that helps users to complete a task or achieve a goal by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps. However, designing a stepper that is both intuitive and accessible can be challenging. Here are some best UX practices for designing a stepper that takes into account accessibility.

Keep the steps clear and concise

One of the most important things to keep in mind when designing a stepper is to keep the steps clear and concise. The steps should be easy to understand and the language used should be simple and straightforward. This is particularly important for users with cognitive disabilities who may find it difficult to understand complex language.

Provide a clear indication of progress

Users should always know where they are in the process of completing the stepper. Providing a clear indication of progress helps users to understand how much further they need to go and how much longer it will take to complete the process. This can be done by using a progress bar, which indicates how many steps have been completed and how many are left.

Provide clear and concise instructions

Each step in the stepper should have clear and concise instructions that are easy to understand. This is particularly important for users with visual impairments who may rely on screen readers to navigate through the stepper. Instructions should be written in a way that can be easily read by screen readers.

Use clear and visible buttons

Buttons should be easy to see and understand. They should be clearly labeled and placed in a position that is easy to find. Users should be able to identify what each button does without having to guess. Buttons should also have a clear visual indication when they are selected or active.

Provide feedback

Users should receive feedback when they complete each step in the stepper. This feedback can be in the form of a confirmation message or a visual indication that the step has been completed. Providing feedback helps users to understand that they are making progress and can give them a sense of accomplishment.

Consider keyboard navigation

Keyboard navigation is an important consideration for users with physical disabilities who may find it difficult to use a mouse. Designers should ensure that users can navigate through the stepper using the keyboard alone. This can be done by using the tab key to move between buttons and fields.

Use clear and visible error messages

Errors can occur when users are completing a stepper. Designers should ensure that error messages are clear and visible. Users should be able to understand what went wrong and how to fix it. Error messages should be placed in a position that is easy to find and should use clear and concise language.

Test with real users

Finally, designers should always test the stepper with real users. This can help to identify any usability issues and ensure that the stepper is accessible to all users. Testing can be done with users who have disabilities to ensure that the stepper is accessible to everyone.

In conclusion, designing a stepper that is both intuitive and accessible can be challenging. However, by following these best UX practices, designers can create a stepper that is easy to use and accessible to all users. Clear and concise language, visible buttons, feedback, and keyboard navigation are all important considerations when designing a stepper. Testing with real users can help to identify any usability issues and ensure that the stepper is accessible to all users.

Tarek Ahmed is an accomplished user experience designer with a deep passion for creating intuitive, user-friendly, and engaging digital experiences. Based in the vibrant city of Wroclaw, Poland, Tarek has gained a reputation as a leading UX consultant, with a track record of delivering exceptional results for clients across a wide range of industries.



Tarek Ahmed

Tarek Ahmed is an accomplished user experience designer with a deep passion for creating intuitive, user-friendly, and engaging digital experiences.