Technology Timeline (1752–1990)=The Telephone

2 min readJun 30, 2023


Technology Timeline (1752–1990)

1752 Lightning Rod

Benjamin Franklin’s electricity trials lead him to a precious operation — the lightning rod, which when placed at the apex of a barn, church steeple, or other structure, conducts lightning bolts harmlessly into the ground.

1776 Submarine

David Bushnell’s” Turtle” submerges by taking water into its tanks and reverses the process to rise. It moves by means of a hand coil propeller. The” Turtle” is used in an attack on Lord Howe’s Flagship” Eagle,” but attempts to attach a mine to the Eagle’s housing fail.

1790 FirstU.S. Patent

The United States issues its first patent to William Pollard of Philadelphia. His machine roves and spins cotton. 1794 Cotton Gin Eli Whitney patents his machine to comb and deseed bolls of cotton.

1797 exchangeable corridor

Eli Whitney contracts to manufacture 10,000 muskets for theU.S. Army. At the time, an entire musket would be made by a single person, without standardized measures. Whitney divided the labor into several separate ways and standardized corridors to make them exchangeable.

1801 Brume- Powered Pumping Station

The Fairmount Water Works harnesses brume power to give water to the megacity of Philadelphia. 1803 Spray Gun Alan de Vilbiss of Toledo, Ohio, constructed this device to replace hearties as the system of applying drugs to oral and nasal passages.

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