CodeIgniter 4 vs CodeIgniter 3

Ahmet Doğukan Konuk
2 min readJul 1, 2023

CodeIgniter is a popular choice among PHP-based web development frameworks. While CodeIgniter 3 provides developers with a quick and straightforward way to build web applications, CodeIgniter 4 takes the development experience to the next level. In this blog post, we will closely examine the key differences between CodeIgniter 4 and CodeIgniter 3.

PHP Version

CodeIgniter 4 requires PHP 7.2 or newer, whereas CodeIgniter 3 supports PHP 5.6 or newer. This allows CodeIgniter 4 to take advantage of newer PHP features and performance improvements. For example, you can experience the enhancements and speed increases brought by PHP 7.2 with CodeIgniter 4.

Folder Structure

CodeIgniter 4 has a more modular folder structure. The application code is organized under the “app” folder with modules and namespaces. This enables better organization and easier code management for larger-scale projects. For instance, it can be used to improve code separation and management between different modules.

Namespace and Autoloading

CodeIgniter 4 organizes classes using PHP namespaces. This prevents class conflicts and offers better code organization. For example, by designating a class as a “namespace,” you can ensure it operates within a unique namespace. Autoloading follows the PSR-4 standards, allowing you to use Composer to automatically load classes. In CodeIgniter 3, class autoloading works differently and is configured on the super classes.

Redesigned Core

CodeIgniter 4 features a redesigned core, providing higher performance, improved security, and greater flexibility. The core of CodeIgniter 4 is optimized to deliver a better experience for developers. It includes enhancements such as a more efficient error handling mechanism and up-to-date security measures.

Database Support

CodeIgniter 4 supports a wider range of database drivers and offers enhanced database operations. Compared to CodeIgniter 3, CodeIgniter 4 provides more flexibility and easier integration with different database systems. For example, you can use various database drivers like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, and perform more advanced database operations.

Updated Configuration

CodeIgniter 4 uses updated configuration files in a more modern format. Configuration files can be easily customized with environment-based settings and other improvements. For instance, you can define different configuration settings for different environments and have more flexibility in configuring your project according to its needs.



Ahmet Doğukan Konuk

Hello, I am Ahmet Dogukan Konuk, I am a web developer. I thought it wouldn't be bad if I tell about the companies and products that went down, and here I am.