Why Beekeeping?

Ahmet Hakan Ataş
2 min readJan 20, 2024


Peace thanks to honeybees.

While harvesting honey with daddy and brother, I’m in the middle, from 2002 years

A young couple who decided to do beekeeping after getting married and 33 years of beekeeping life that followed this decision. A young husband who had only 3 hives of bees in the first year and did everything they told him to do this process with other beekeepers to learn beekeeping. A young housewife who takes care of classic household chores such as cooking. Afterwards, they started to have children, increased the number of colonies and added to their experiences, a process that lasted more than a quarter of a century with its good and bad memories.

While catching the swarm with my mom who in the traditional costum and brothers, I’m in the middle, 2002.

Being born as the children of a beekeeper couple means learning to live with bees, experiencing being friends with bees, understanding their language and observing their nature.

With brothers, 2019

In order for bees to reproduce healthily, it is necessary to be in constant contact with them. Like treating them when they are sick, giving them honeycombs and feeding them when they need it. It is necessary to observe nature to understand that they need new flowers.

Yes, while doing all these, one should be in nature and live in peace with it, and feeling the peace that this brings is one of the most beautiful feelings in human life. Watching their infancy periods, breathing in the clean air of nature, eating natural food, we experience all this peace thanks to beekeeping.

Our beehives in the spring, 2018

It is our greatest chance to have bees in our lives.

Bees on the honeycomb, while they’re making new one.

Hoping to write for the friendship of bees and humans.

