Case Studies and Examples of Successful Data Visualization Projects

Ahmet Taşdemir
2 min readDec 25, 2022


Data visualization is an important tool for communicating information and insights derived from data analysis. When done well, data visualizations can be powerful tools for understanding complex data and making informed decisions. In this article, we will look at some case studies and examples of successful data visualization projects that illustrate the potential of data visualization to communicate data insights effectively.

  1. The New York Times’ “The Upshot”: The New York Times’ “The Upshot” is a news and analysis website that uses data visualization to explain complex issues and trends. One example of a successful data visualization project from “The Upshot” is “The True Size of Africa”, which uses a slippy map to show the true size of African countries relative to other countries around the world. The visualization was widely shared and helped to change perceptions about the size of African countries.
  2. The Guardian’s “The Counted” project: The Guardian’s “The Counted” project used data visualization to track and document the number of people killed by law enforcement in the United States. The project used interactive maps and charts to visualize the data and show patterns and trends over time. The project was widely recognized and won a number of awards for its impact and design.
  3. Google’s “Year in Search” visualizations: Each year, Google releases a series of data visualizations that show the most popular search terms and trends from the previous year. The visualizations use a range of chart types and interactive elements to show the data in an engaging and easily understandable way. The visualizations are widely shared and provide a unique perspective on the interests and concerns of internet users.
  4. Hans Rosling’s TED Talk: Hans Rosling, a Swedish statistician and professor, used data visualization to challenge popular misconceptions about global development in his TED Talk “The Best Stats You’ve Ever Seen”. Rosling used interactive bubble charts to show how global trends in health and wealth have changed over time, and to debunk common myths about the developing world. The visualization was widely praised for its impact and clarity.

These case studies and examples demonstrate the potential of data visualization to communicate data insights effectively. By using clear and engaging visualizations, these projects were able to make complex data more accessible and understandable, and to change perceptions and inform decision-making.

