Photo by Lena Bell on Unsplash

What is your “Product”?

Anderson Matias
3 min readOct 6, 2017

*Original article on

Maybe you have already put some thought about how much information we have access every day, but have you ever wondered how much information we actually miss on a daily basis?

In a world where the digital information flow has been exponentially increasing for only a couple of decades by now, it is understandable not to realize how paradoxical it is to have so much access to data and not making anything out of it most of the time. It is most likely safe to say that, tangible or intangible, most people are producing something, somehow and for some reason, but how linked is it with what other people are aiming for, or even accomplishing? Or even its relevancy? It is the era of the unchecked source type of information shared on Facebook, it is the era of pictures “race” on Instagram. In fact, we are so into taking selfies and showing it to everyone, that we don’t look much around to see what’s going on sometimes.

If you think about it, virtually every innovative big hit or industry game changer for a while is all about consolidation. iPhone (all sorts of applications at hand, on your phone), Spotify (all the music you want everywhere), Amazon (all sorts of products easily available for purchase) and so on, and so on, you name it. Still, I personally feel that there is a lack of coordinated effort to innovate and really make things happen for the common good sake through the internet. It’s all too isolated.

“Searching on the Internet today can be compared to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean” — Michael K. Bergman

The current search engines on the internet are maybe the biggest symbol of what I’m saying. You can find absolutely all kinds of information based on what you type in, it is almost everything there, reachable and affordably available for you to absorb and put to use, but most of the time we tend to access the same 5–10 websites daily, we very rarely go to the second page of the search results, a lot of people have never even heard of “deep web”, which is ok, but seriously, probably more than 99% of data are currently out of most hands.

How would it feel to be part of something bigger? How great would it be to have a real impact around you? What would the world become if we could ignite links between the millions of individual efforts already in motion in all directions worldwide? Everyone can contribute somehow. Everyone can produce something meaningful. Everyone absorbs knowledge of all sorts every day.

Photo by Michal Grosicki on Unsplash

So the next questions are really these: what is your “product”? What are you doing with the information you access every day? What are you doing with the knowledge you’ve built so far? Are you getting closer or farther from your goals? Do you have any goals at all? Whom will you partner with? What if you have exactly what someone else on the other side of the world needs to have a breakthrough on a relevant matter to the entire mankind?

Think about it, and show to the world the answer. . .

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Anderson Matias

Anderson Matias — Project Manager | Music, Business, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Enthusiast.