Robert W Ahrens
1 min readJun 10, 2024


First of all, old folks do a lot of things younger folks don’t. That’s in part why he’s got a good staff who gives a shit.


Period. So stop pushing right wing talking points. That waters down your major point, which was about Sanders.

Because THAT part, you’re right about! It was that fear and the action they took against him that resulted in Trump being elected.

This time, I’m hoping that as the Republican Party dies, the Progressives in Congress get off their asses and create their own new Party to replace the right wing with what’s missing - a decent a more popular left wing group.

If you’d taken THAT approach, I’d give you fifty claps.

As it is, quit that shit about Biden, because you’re just spreading the right wing bullshit.

Do I wish they’d run a younger candidate?

Sure, but THIS election is not about personalities.

It’s about DEMOCRACY.

Forget the guys running, in THIS election, you’re voting for a PARTY, not a man.

