Data Structure & Algorithms -Overview

Ahsan Majeed
5 min readJul 25, 2023


**What are Data Structures?**
Data structures are fundamental concepts in computer science that deal with organizing and storing data in a way that facilitates efficient operations and data manipulation. These structures are an integral part of programming and software development. Data structures provide a systematic way of representing data elements and their relationships, making it easier for algorithms to process and work with the data.
Certainly! Let’s delve even deeper into each aspect:

In a broader sense, data structures can be classified into two main categories:

1. **Primitive Data Structures:** These are the basic data types provided by programming languages, such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and Booleans. They are used to build more complex data structures.

2. **Composite Data Structures:** These are data structures that are composed of primitive data types and other composite data structures. Examples include arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and hash tables.

Each data structure has its unique advantages and use cases. For example, arrays are suitable for random access to elements with constant time complexity, while linked lists are more efficient for insertion and deletion at arbitrary positions.

**Why do we need Data Structures?**
Data structures are essential because they provide several crucial benefits:

1. **Efficient Data Access:** Data structures offer methods for efficient data retrieval, making it easier and faster to access specific elements in large datasets.

2. **Fast Operations:** With well-designed data structures, common operations like insertion, deletion, and searching can be performed efficiently, reducing time complexity and improving overall performance.

3. **Optimized Memory Usage:** Data structures optimize memory allocation and usage, ensuring efficient utilization of system resources.

4. **Algorithm Design:** Many algorithms are built upon specific data structures. Understanding these structures helps in designing efficient algorithms for problem-solving.

5. **Real-World Modeling:** Data structures enable the representation of real-world scenarios, like modeling social networks, file systems, databases, and more.

6. **Code Reusability:** Using established data structures allows developers to reuse code and benefit from tried-and-tested solutions to common problems.

**Characteristics of Data Structures:**
1. **Memory Management:** Data structures should use memory efficiently and minimize unnecessary memory consumption. Proper memory management reduces overhead and improves performance.

2. **Access and Operations:** Efficient data structures enable quick access to data elements and perform essential operations with low time complexity. These characteristics are vital for algorithms’ efficiency.

3. **Performance:** Data structures should provide algorithms with optimal time complexity for common operations like insertion, deletion, and searching. A well-designed data structure can significantly impact the efficiency of algorithms.

4. **Flexibility:** Data structures should be adaptable to accommodate changes in data size or requirements. Flexibility allows data structures to handle dynamic datasets effectively.

5. **Abstraction:** Data structures abstract the complexity of data organization, providing a higher-level view of data management. This abstraction allows programmers to focus on the logic of algorithms rather than the low-level details of data storage.

**Execution Time Cases and Types:**
The execution time of an algorithm depends on various factors, including the input data and its distribution. Different cases of execution time help analyze algorithm performance:

1. **Best Case:** This represents the scenario where the algorithm performs most optimally. For example, in a linear search, the best case occurs when the element being searched is found at the beginning of the data.

2. **Worst Case:** This represents the scenario where the algorithm performs most inefficiently. For instance, in a binary search, the worst case occurs when the target element is not present in the sorted list or array.

3. **Average Case:** This represents the expected performance of the algorithm over all possible inputs, considering the probabilities of different inputs and their respective execution times. It provides a more realistic measure of the algorithm’s efficiency.

**Real-Time Example: Searching in Arrays and Binary Search Trees (BSTs)**
Let’s explore the searching operation in arrays and binary search trees in more detail:

**Searching in an Array:**
An array is a simple and widely used data structure for storing a collection of elements. Searching in an array involves sequentially checking each element until the target element is found or until all elements have been checked.

- Best Case: The element being searched is at the first position in the array. The search terminates after one comparison, resulting in constant time complexity (O(1)).
- Worst Case: The element being searched is at the last position in the array, or it is not present at all. In the worst case, the algorithm needs to check all elements in the array (n comparisons, where n is the number of elements), resulting in linear time complexity (O(n)).
- Average Case: The element can be anywhere in the array. On average, the algorithm will check half of the elements before finding the target or determining its absence, leading to logarithmic time complexity (O(log n)).

**Searching in a Binary Search Tree (BST):**
A BST is a binary tree data structure where each node has at most two children, and the left child is smaller than the parent, while the right child is greater.

- Best Case: The element being searched is at the root node. As the tree follows the property of a binary search tree, the search terminates after one comparison, resulting in logarithmic time complexity (O(log n)) in balanced trees.
- Worst Case: The BST is a skewed tree (all nodes are in one direction), and the element being searched is at the deepest level. In this case, the algorithm needs to traverse through all nodes in the tree (O(n) comparisons) in unbalanced trees, leading to linear time complexity.
- Average Case: In a balanced BST, the average time complexity for searching is O(log n), which is more efficient than a linear search in an array.

**Basic Terminology:**
Here are some key terms related to data structures:

1. **Data Structure:** A systematic way of organizing and storing data to facilitate efficient access and manipulation.
2. **Element/Item:** Individual data unit or value stored in a data structure.
3. **Algorithm:** A step-by-step procedure or set of rules used to perform a specific task or solve a problem.
4. **Memory Management:** Efficient use of computer memory to store and retrieve data in data structures.
5. **Access Time:** The time taken to access (retrieve) an element from a data structure.
6. **Insertion Time:** The time taken to add an element to a data structure.
7. **Deletion Time:** The time taken to remove an element from a data structure.
8. **Search:** The process of finding a specific element in a data structure.
9. **Sorting:** The process of arranging data elements in a specific order, often ascending or descending.
10. **Linked List:** A linear data structure where elements (nodes) are connected through pointers or references.
11. **Array:** A collection of elements of the same type stored in contiguous memory locations.

By understanding data structures, their characteristics, and their performance in different scenarios, developers can make informed decisions in designing efficient algorithms and building robust software applications. The choice of data structure significantly impacts the performance and efficiency of programs, making it crucial to select the appropriate structure for each specific use case.



Ahsan Majeed

My thoughts and world. Just want to keep sharing thoughts, experiments & new stuff.