Where Can You Find Airplane Stairs?

Ahsan Hasnain
3 min readSep 12, 2023

In the world of aviation, the intricate dance of preparing an aircraft for takeoff or disembarkation is a well-choreographed performance that involves a multitude of equipment and personnel. One vital piece of equipment that plays a significant role in this process is the airplane stairs. These mobile stairs, also known as boarding stairs or aircraft steps, serve a crucial function in facilitating the movement of passengers and crew between the aircraft and the ground. In this article, we’ll explore the various places where you can find airplane stairs and their importance in the aviation industry.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Airport Terminals
  3. Remote Parking Areas
  4. Maintenance Hangars
  5. Military Airbases
  6. Emergency Scenarios
  7. Private Aviation
  8. Passenger Boarding Bridges
  9. Cargo Aircraft Operations
  10. Amphibious Aircraft
  11. Historic Airplanes
  12. Movie Sets and Special Events
  13. Air Shows
  14. Construction Sites
  15. Helicopter Transport


Airplane stairs, or boarding stairs, are versatile pieces of equipment used in different aviation scenarios. Let’s delve into where you can find them and why they are essential.

Where Can You Find Airplane Stairs?

Airport Terminals

The most common location to spot airplane stairs is at airport terminals. These stairs provide passengers with access to the aircraft, especially when there are no passenger boarding bridges available or when the aircraft is parked remotely.

Remote Parking Areas

Airports often use remote parking areas for overflow or less frequently used aircraft. In these cases, airplane stairs are brought to the aircraft, allowing passengers to board or disembark efficiently.

Maintenance Hangars

Aircraft require regular maintenance, and airplane stairs are used to access various parts of the aircraft during inspections and repairs.

Military Airbases

Military aircraft also utilize airplane stairs, ensuring quick and secure boarding for personnel and equipment.

Emergency Scenarios

During emergencies such as evacuations, airplane stairs play a critical role in swiftly getting passengers off the aircraft.

Private Aviation

Private jets and smaller aircraft often use airplane stairs for passenger boarding and disembarkation.

Passenger Boarding Bridges

While more common at larger airports, passenger boarding bridges are sometimes supplemented with airplane stairs to accommodate different aircraft types.

Cargo Aircraft Operations

Even cargo aircraft may require airplane stairs for loading and unloading cargo or for crew access.

Amphibious Aircraft

Seaplanes and amphibious aircraft use specialized floating stairs that allow passengers to board from docks or water.

Historic Airplanes

Preserved historic aircraft on display at aviation museums may have airplane stairs for visitors to access the cockpit or cabin.

Movie Sets and Special Events

Airplane stairs often make appearances in movies and special events, adding an authentic touch to aviation-themed scenes.

Air Shows

During air shows, aircraft stairs are used to access aircraft on display, providing a close-up view for spectators.

Construction Sites

Aircraft used in construction, such as helicopters, may require airplane stairs for crew access.

Helicopter Transport

Helicopters used for transport may use stairs for passenger boarding and disembarkation at various locations.

Airplane stairs are versatile equipment that cater to a wide range of aviation needs. Whether you’re at a bustling airport terminal or a remote airfield, these stairs ensure safe and efficient movement between the aircraft and the ground.


In the world of aviation, airplane stairs are unsung heroes, enabling the seamless transfer of passengers, crew, and cargo. Their presence is felt across various aviation sectors, from commercial travel to private aviation, military operations, and even the world of entertainment.

So, the next time you find yourself on a plane or attending an air show, take a moment to appreciate the role these simple yet indispensable stairs play in keeping the aviation industry soaring to new heights.


  1. What are airplane stairs used for?

Airplane stairs are used for passenger boarding and disembarkation, crew access, cargo loading, and maintenance inspections of aircraft.

Do all airports use airplane stairs?

No, not all airports use airplane stairs. Larger airports typically have passenger boarding bridges, but airplane stairs are used at smaller airports or for remote parking.

Are there different types of airplane stairs?

Yes, there are various types of airplane stairs, including mobile stairs, floating stairs for seaplanes, and specialized stairs for military aircraft.

Can airplane stairs be used in emergencies?

Yes, airplane stairs are crucial during emergency evacuations, ensuring passengers can quickly exit the aircraft.

