5 Psychology Principles that Help You Create Killer Content

Ahsan Raza
2 min readSep 3, 2022


I find the intersection of Psychology and Content Marketing very fascinating.

Think about Budweiser’s ‘Wassup’ ad.

Or Nike’s iconic ‘Just Do It’ slogan.

Or Apple’s ‘Get a Mac’ ad.

All of these and other greatest and most memorable content marketing campaigns were created after getting a deeper and thorough understanding of target audience, or Buyer Psychology.

Here are 5 psychology principles that can help you create killer content:

1. Social Proof

We humans are social creatures. Whether it’s a new restaurant or a new phone, we trust our friends, family, and other people when they tell us if something they tried was good or not.

Actionable Tips

👉 Gather testimonials.
👉 Encourage your customers to leave reviews on your website and other review websites.
👉 Collaborate with authentic influencers in your niche.

2. Paradox of Choice

Without conscious reasoning, we tend to think that the more choices we have, the better. However, the opposite is true. More choices overwhelm our minds and make decision-making a tedious process.

Actionable Tips

👉 If you have sale on 100 products, don’t advertise all of them together. Narrow down the choices.
👉 The content of your website and app should have less choices for the user and should minimize clicks or taps.
👉 Instead of writing 50 mediocre blogs, create 5 engaging and valuable pieces of content for your niche audience.

3. Loss Aversion

According to this principle, most of us tend to feel more pain at losing something than we experience pleasure at gaining something of similar value.

Actionable Tips

👉 Frame copy emphasizing the loss.
👉 Give limited-time offers.
👉 Do not overdo this.

4. Halo Effect

If a company is great at one thing, it’s assumed that it will be great at other things as well. For instance, since Apple’s smartphones and computers are awesome, people assumed Apple Watch would be awesome too.

Actionable Tips

👉 Create authoritative content to establish thought leadership in your industry.
👉 Host webinars with experts in your industry.
👉 Have consistent branding (design and content) on social media.

5. Information Gap Theory

Simply put, our minds become very curious when there’s a gap between the information we want and the information we know.

Actionable Tips

👉 Whether it’s an email or a blog, create catchy first lines to stir the reader’s curiosity.
👉 Create buzz before any launch.
👉 Get creative with your call-to-action.

P.S. These tips aren’t intended to mislead or trick people. Marketing is all about people and tricking them would lead to mistrust. Nobody wants that.

Hope you found this helpful.



Ahsan Raza

I love telling stories (to anyone who’d listen). Content Marketer | Copywriter | Brand Storyteller | Social Media Marketer | Aspiring Screenwriter