One with Data: My Career Journey from Classroom to Data Analyst

Ai Rohmah
3 min readAug 25, 2023


Hi, I’m Ai Rohmah. I am From Indonesia. I want to share my career journey, from my past as a teacher to now as a data analyst. After almost 7 years as an educator, I decided to pursue my passion in data analysis, a change that opened the door to the exciting and opportunity-filled world of analytics.

Educational and Professional Trails

My journey started at Nusaputra University, where I earned a bachelor’s degree in information systems in 2021. This education gave me a solid foundation in understanding information technology systems, data management, and information processing, skills that are all essential in my job as an analyst.

As a teacher with almost 7 years of experience in education, I have developed strong communication skills and the ability to adapt to various situations. This experience is not only helpful in conveying lessons to students but also provides a useful foundation in the world of data analysis, where clear communication and adaptability are essential.

During the last 3 years of my teaching period, I was also involved in financial management and reporting. This experience taught me about the importance of detail, accuracy, and analytical skills in managing the financial aspects of an entity. Although it may seem different from analyzing world data, this experience shaped my view of the importance of accurate and contextual information.

The Journey Towards Becoming a Data Analyst

It was my passion for understanding data and my desire to tell stories from the numbers that led me to enter the world of data analysis. My experience as a teacher helps me apply analytical skills when formulating solutions to student problems. This turns out to be relevant in analyzing business data, where we are also looking for patterns and insights from existing data.

With an education in information systems, I have a strong technical foundation. I am familiar with programming languages and have a solid understanding of database management, all of which are now valuable assets in the role of data analyst. I believe that a combination of technical skills and analytical abilities will help me face the challenges of processing, analyzing, and understanding data in depth.

Potential and Capability

My dual experience as an educator and manager of financial reports brings uniqueness to my role as a Data Analyst. I bring adaptability, good communication skills and well-honed analytical skills. My combined understanding of information technology and experience in financial statement management helps me to parse data within a broader context.

Facing a changing world, I believe that innovation and deep insights from data are the keys to business success. I am not only looking for a job but also an opportunity to contribute, learn, and grow with a dedicated team. I look forward to joining your team and exploring together the limitless potential that data can provide.

Thank you for taking the time to read my travel story. I really hope to have the opportunity to talk further about how I can make a positive contribution to your company. I am excited and ready to be a part of this insightful future journey with your team.

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Ai Rohmah

Data analyst in Google Sheets, SQL, Power BI, and Python. Dedicated to leveraging deep analytical insights for informed decision making