A Five-Step Gamification Formula That Will Boost Your Online Course Performance

Did you know that less than 10% of the students who enrolled in Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) actually completed the courses?

Online courses are notorious for low completion and low engagement rates. I remember what one of my undergraduate students once shared with me, “for online courses, you simply need to remember that you are actually taking a class.” To me, that statement indicated the likelihood in not completing online courses. Even as an educator myself, I am guilty of completing maybe only 20% of the several online courses sitting in my computer, some of which I’ve already paid for.

Given how hard it is to get students to engage in online courses, I was excited to have my friend, Zsuzsanna Kisvardai, join me on my weekly Facebook live show to share benefits and best practices of using gamification as a teaching method. Zsuzsanna is an online course creation expert.

Whether you are an entrepreneur selling online courses or an academic teaching online courses, this article is for you. You can click on the image/video below to watch the replay of our live interview. You can also read my recap here, where I share with you a successful five-step gamification formula that can help you boost your online course performance: including student engagement…



Dr. Ai Addyson-Zhang | #ClassroomWithoutWalls

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