Why Do I Never Feel Good Enough?: Awakening the Gifts Within

It has been almost six weeks since we moved from Philadelphia, U.S. to South Korea. Life has changed quite a bit. The biggest change for me is that I am in a deep process of reinventing myself and attempting to venture into a territory that allows me to combine my interest and expertise — education innovation.

As I start down the path on this journey, many fears and doubts have surfaced. Among all, the loudest voice is,

I am not good enough

Particularly on days when I don’t feel confident, this voice dominates my thoughts. Do you ever feel this way, inadequately prepared for the things you need to do? These are some dangerous thoughts that can bring me into a state of perpetual doubt, wrestling between hope and fear. What is it that makes me feel this way? And can I ever feel good enough?

Can I Ever Feel Good Enough?

A few days ago, I read an article by Charlie Gilkey, founder of Creative Productive, titled,

The goal is good enough, not perfection: Good enough and done is better than perfect and pending.

Don’t you just love the title of that article? I also loved a graph in his article, which illustrates the journey from “crap” to “perfect.”



Dr. Ai Addyson-Zhang | #ClassroomWithoutWalls

👩🏻‍🏫Professor turned entrepreneur 🔹Help ambitious parents raise future-ready children🗞Featured on Forbes ✍️Subscribe https://www.classroomwithoutwalls.ai/