5 Pillars On Which To Build True Love

#5: Love is life

Daniel A.
2 min readMay 22, 2022
Photo by Justin Follis on Unsplash

Love is a strong feeling, its one of the strongest emotion. It touches one’s heart, soul and mind. Love cannot be confined to some specific terms or describe with some concrete definition. Love encompasses ever increasing positive energy. It is a divine feeling that has no strings attached to it. Below are the 5 pillars that must be considered before one can attempt to describe true love:

1.Unconditional love ought to be unconditional.

If it is not, then it is not love but a passing feeling that would dissolve on its own.

2. Love helps you grow.

True love does not believe in demanding but it feels joy in giving. It lends a helping hands to all those in need, misery or grief and offers shoulder to a crying soul. You do not only share love with your family or friends but also to your neighbor.

3. Being Nonjudgmental

If you judge people, you have no time to love them. So stop judging and finding fault in others. Criticizing others generates negative energy in and around you. Accepting the person or situation, the way it is by being nonjudgmental is a great pillar of true love.

4. The strength of love.

Love provides with great strength. Understanding and compassion are the healing powers of love. Love is in giving and must be creative.

5.Love is life

God has poured the feeling of love in our heart so that we can we can alleviate the pain and suffering around us. Love, politeness, sympathy, spirit of caring and sharing are the keys to a peaceful world. Your soft and gentle words will help you touch people's heart and make space for you in their lives.

Final Thought

Forgive those who have put you down. Once our heart is filled with the light of love, we will be enlightened enough to unlock the secrete of a peaceful life and a peace filled world.

