10 Effective Biblical Principles Of Success

#6: Gratitude and thankfulness are attitudes that will take you through the storms

Daniel A.
3 min readMay 23, 2022
Photo by Satria Perkasa on Unsplash

Success can simply be referred to as seeing things turn around the way they were hoped for or planned. Success begins with a life of full faith in and faithfulness to the lord and his standard. Below are the effective biblical principles of success:

1. Courage

We see examples all around us of great levels of courage. There are physical and philosophical examples of courage that inspires us everyday.

But what of the courage to stand up for ones conviction in a sinful and dying world? When our faith and character is challenged, where do we stand? And for whom do we stand?

2. Trust in God.

Proverb 3:5-6, Isaiah 40:31 and Romans 8:28. Trusting in God is at the heart of our relationship with God, trusting him completely through the challenges and storms of life.

3.Confess and repentance

Through the power of the holy ghost and the precious blood of Jesus Christ, confession and repentance becomes powerful tools in our arsenal to truly feel the feel the joy of Christ.

We disarm enemy through the honest appraisal of ourselves

4. Integrity

This is something that must be at your core, residing in your heart.

In our broken, sinful and dying world, man of Jesus Christ must be model of integrity and face life with biblical tools.

5. Humility

Jesus demonstrated humility in all he did.

We are living in a world where the quality of humility seems like something g that will get you further behind, even trampled underfoot, instead of ahead.

In scripture we see humility as a quality that is very dear to the haert of God.

6. Kindness

The rewards that one get from God for being kind to others cannot be over emphasized.

As Christ hands and feet here on earth, what an opportunity we have to be kind and demonstrates his love for the world to see.

7. Thankfulness

Gratitude and thankfulness are attitude that will carry you through life’s storms and enhance your joy and success.

We have so much to be grateful for and our prayers is that God grant unto us the attitude of gratitude.

8. Self control

I believe we have done or said something we are regretting now and wishing if we could take back.

By reaching deep into God’s world, relying on the power of the holy spirit and realising we can do everything in His strength, We can live a life where self control is demonstrated.

9. Wisdom

The book of James 1:15 tells us that, if any of you lack wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

It is comforting to know that we have a lord and saviour that will help us make good decisions.

10. Prayer

The place of prayers in achieving success cannot be overemphasized.

It is through prayers we make our requests known to God our creator, to Perfects our plans and bring them to reality.

Thanks for reading!

