1 min readDec 6, 2015

Harm and benefit from social networks

Hello my friends! We all know that nowadays every person starting from babies and older depends on social networks such as Vkontakte,Facebook,Mail.ru and network apps:whatsapp,instagram,viber and others.It is a big problem or illness for all humanity in the world. Social network sites and apps take away plenty of time,so people become more lazier and run into a problem. I am one of that person who depends on these apps. All my free time spends in social networks.But now i try to stop it or just delete them. Social networks prevent me during the prepare for exams. From otherside some of social networks have benefits. I’m going to tell about benefits which helped me. One day i decided to open a little own business. I started to sell phones,ipods,accessories for phones and i publish all my announcement by using network app Instagram. It was like a online shop. Due to account in instagram i have so many customers in a short time and my
acuests grow gradually. The main benefit is that network apps helps people to connect wherever they were. My advice for my friends: Please,use your time with the mind. :)