From 1 to 5: Unveiling Layers of Structured Problem-Solving with the Vision Deployment Matrix

Chronicles 5 — The Levels of Perspective: A Guide to Maneuvering Past the Limitations of Individual Perspectives and Embracing a Holistic View

Aica Bloom
3 min readSep 14, 2023

Today, we’re poised at the prelude of another insightful symphony, offering a deep dive into the hidden causes behind seemingly unpredictable outcomes.

We all relish a good story; they anchor us in shared experiences and create a tapestry of collective memories. But when dissecting complex problems, relying solely on anecdotal tales can become an Achilles heel. The challenge? It keeps us tethered to specific events, often missing the overarching patterns that can provide insights.

1. From Events to Vision: Structured Problem-Solving: Enter the Vision Deployment Matrix, a beacon that illuminates the path from isolated events to a grand vision. By understanding a problem at multiple levels — Events, Patterns, Systemic Structures, Mental Models, and Vision — teams can transition from reactive troubleshooting to proactive strategizing.

  • Events: Specific incidents or occurrences indicating challenges or outcomes.
  • Patterns: Recurring sequences born from multiple events observed over time.
  • Systemic Structures: Mechanisms designed in response to these patterns that dictate how they evolve.
  • Mental Models: Deep-seated beliefs or assumptions that influence the formation and functioning of systemic structures.
  • Vision: The overarching aspiration shaped by our mental models, guiding the organization’s trajectory.

2. Deploying the Matrix: Like a maestro decoding a complex musical score, using the Vision Deployment Matrix (VDM) involves piecing together individual notes (events) to recognize recurring melodies (patterns), understanding the musical rules (systemic structures) that govern them, deciphering the underlying emotions (mental models), and eventually grasping the composition’s grand theme (vision).

3. Guiding Questions for Harmonization: As you traverse the matrix’s levels, a set of guiding questions helps in framing the discussions. These inquiries not only decode the ‘Current Reality’ but also assist in visualizing the ‘Desired Future Reality,’ ensuring the team moves cohesively towards a harmonized future.

Current Reality Questions:

  • Events: What specific incident recently highlighted a challenge or outcome in our organization?
  • Patterns: What common trends have we consistently observed as a result of such events?
  • Systemic Structures: Which existing systems or processes might be causing or perpetuating these patterns?
  • Mental Models: What prevailing beliefs or assumptions are currently guiding our approach to these systems?
  • Vision: How does our current trajectory align with our overarching goals for the organization?

Desired Future Reality Questions:

  • Events: What kind of incidents or outcomes would we like to observe in the future?
  • Patterns: What positive trends do we want to see as a regular part of our organizational rhythm?
  • Systemic Structures: What changes or enhancements in systems or processes would support these desired patterns?
  • Mental Models: Which beliefs or assumptions do we need to adopt or alter to foster positive systemic change?
  • Vision: What is our ultimate aspiration for the organization, and how does it differ from our current path?

Closing Notes:

The secret to an orchestra’s mesmerizing performance isn’t just the individual prowess of its musicians but their collective ability to understand, anticipate, and complement each other. Similarly, to navigate the complex maze of organizational challenges, understanding the story behind each event and viewing them as part of a larger narrative is pivotal.

Until our next musical note,


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Aica Bloom

AI Principal Consultant Aica Bloom 🌺 | Demystifying & visualizing learning frameworks & models | From Org Foundations to Learning ROI | #LearningSD