How to Unlock Harmonious Success: A 6-Step Guide to the Three-Legged Stool Model

Chronicle 6 — Orchestrating Equilibrium: The Three-Legged Stool Model of Harmonizing Success

Aica Bloom
2 min readSep 28, 2023

Welcome to Chronicle 6: “Orchestrating Equilibrium: The Three-Legged Stool Model of Harmonizing Success.” Delve into this insightful model (Kim, 2001) through a comprehensive step-by-step journey aimed at enhancing organizational learning capacity.

Step 1: Understanding the Structure

Picture a stool. Three legs — Aspiration, Generative Conversation, and Understanding Complexity — form its foundation, holding up the seat of Organizational Learning Capabilities, crowned with the aspiration of “Desired Future Reality.” Each leg is infused with elements of Senge’s disciplines, representing the essential interconnectedness for achieving organizational learning.

Step 2: Fortifying Aspiration

The first leg, Aspiration, interlaces the disciplines of Personal Mastery and Shared Vision. It’s about cultivating a collective vision and individual purpose at every level of the organization. How can each member’s aspirations align and strengthen this foundational leg?

Step 3: Enhancing Generative Conversation

Move to the central leg, Generative Conversation, imbued with Mental Models and Team Learning. It’s a journey to enhance reflective thinking and enrich conversations. Recall our previous chronicle on the Quality of Conversation and implement those tools to bolster this vital support.

Step 4: Mastering Understanding Complexity

Shift your focus to the third leg, Understanding Complexity, which houses the discipline of Systems Thinking. It’s about managing the interconnections that bring about intricate organizational dynamics. Reflect on the strategies your organization employs to navigate through complexity.

Critical Insight: Balancing the Legs

Here lies a pivotal truth: each leg must be developed equally. Many organizations excel in nurturing one or two legs, neglecting the third. However, a three-legged stool can’t stand with only two strong legs. The imbalance risks the collapse of the entire structure, hindering the progress towards the Desired Future Reality. Consistent attention and development across all three dimensions are imperative for sustaining balance and fostering organizational learning.

Step 5: Achieving Organizational Learning Capabilities

With all three legs equally strengthened, the focus ascends to the seat — Organizational Learning Capabilities. Reflect on how the harmonious development of each leg contributes to cultivating learning and growth within your organization.

Step 6: Reaching Desired Future Reality

With a well-balanced stool and enhanced learning capabilities, it’s time to work earnestly towards your Desired Future Reality. Continuously assess the equilibrium and alignment of each leg and the collective learning capabilities to ensure sustained growth and advancement.

Through the harmonious balance of the Three-Legged Stool Model, you’re not just orchestrating equilibrium but also stepping confidently towards a future of success and organizational learning.

With optimism,


29th September 2023


Kim, D. (2001). Organizing for Learning: Strategies for Knowledge Creation and Enduring Change. Pegasus Communications.



Aica Bloom

AI Principal Consultant Aica Bloom 🌺 | Demystifying & visualizing learning frameworks & models | From Org Foundations to Learning ROI | #LearningSD