10 Useful Browser Extensions for Marketers

Felicia T
3 min readDec 19, 2016


As marketers, we are constantly looking for tools and/or tips and tricks to make our lives easier. Aside from the various software and marketing services out there, browser extensions are also practical and useful tools that marketers often overlooked.

Here are 10 useful browser extension to help your workflow:

  1. Buffer — Quick and easy way to share and publish content across various connect profiles from any websites at once. Schedule posts and buffer your queue based on your own preferences.
  2. Grammarly — As a marketer, we are always producing content for our blogs, social media profiles and many others. We are constantly vetting our pieces for grammatical and spelling errors. With Grammarly, it acts as a spell-checker where it will automatically highlight your grammar mistakes, show edit options, describe word meanings and offer the alternatives to use instead.
  3. Rapportive — When sending emails to clients or prospects, Rapportive serves to validate emails you’re adding to the recipient line when writing an email in Gmail. It associates them with LinkedIn and other social profiles. By checking and validating addresses, you are able reduce your e-mail bounce rate.
  4. Gmail to MailChimp by Toolny — Truth to be told, managing huge lists in MailChimp is such a hassle. Instead of navigating between multiple tabs to add new subscribers to your lists, you can now do it by Gmail. With this Gmail to MailChimp extension, you will be able to easily add any email address to your lists within MailChimp without leaving Gmail.
  5. PabloIf you haven’t realize, ads or posts with images tends to perform better than those without. Pablo enables you to grab images you find, format them for social media networks, add your text and make minor design edits, and publish them using Buffer.
  6. Klout — Klout arrives at an influencer score based on popularity and various interactions on social media channels. As a marketer, this score serves as a gauge for you to identify followers amongst your active followers and contact them to help promote the brand.
  7. Page Analytics by GoogleWith this extension, a bar on the top of your website’s page will highlight data about how your visitors have been interacting with your website e.g. what they are clicking on, total and unique page views etc.
  8. MozbarMozbar enables you to view important page metrics like Page Authority, Domain Authority, Link Profile, Keyword Highlights within your Google search results.
  9. vidIQThe free version of this tool allows marketers to analyze any video on YouTube and get information about its rank, social media metrics (likes/shares/comments), tags and keywords, etc.
  10. UberConference Enables you to hold online meetings and calls with your users, clients and prospects. You can invite people directly by highlighting and right clicking on an email or phone number on any website and schedule a call immediately.

While this may not be an exhaustive list of browser extensions, I hope that the aforementioned would somehow be useful for you and hopefully make your lives easier as marketers. Cheers!☺

