Aicore Technologies
6 min readDec 27, 2023


Navigating the Future of Automation

Author: Israel Olalere and Israel Ogunbode


In the dynamic landscape of technological advancements, robotics has emerged as a transformative force, shaping industries and influencing the way we perceive and interact with the world. From manufacturing and healthcare to exploration and entertainment, robotics plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency, precision, and our overall quality of life. This blog article will explore the multifaceted impact of robotics on our world, examining its current state, potential future developments, and the societal implications of an increasingly automated future.

Origin and History:

The history of robot building dates back to ancient times, with early automata serving as precursors to the sophisticated robots we know today. Here's a brief overview of the key milestones in the origin of robot building:

1. Ancient Automata (Antiquity to Middle Ages):

The concept of automata, self-operating mechanical devices, has ancient roots. In ancient Greece, engineers like Hero of Alexandria created simple machines, such as steam-powered devices and automatic doors. The Middle Ages saw the development of clockwork mechanisms in Europe, including intricate automaton figures.

2. Clockwork Automata (15th to 18th Centuries):

During the Renaissance, clockmakers crafted intricate mechanical automata for entertainment and display. These clockwork figures often mimicked human or animal movements, showcasing the early fascination with creating lifelike machines.

3. Jacques de Vaucanson and the Digesting Duck (1739):

French inventor Jacques de Vaucanson created a sensation with his Digesting Duck, an automaton that simulated the digestion process of a duck. This marked an early attempt to replicate complex biological processes through mechanical means.

4. George Devol and Joseph Engelberger (1950s):

The development of the first programmable robot is credited to George Devol, who invented the Unimate in the 1950s. Joseph Engelberger, often referred to as the "Father of Robotics," collaborated with Devol to introduce the Unimate to the industrial assembly line in 1961, marking the beginning of industrial robotics.

5. Advancements in Robotics (Late 20th Century Onward):

The field of robotics experienced rapid growth with advancements in microelectronics, sensors, and artificial intelligence. Robotics expanded beyond industrial applications into areas such as space exploration, medical surgery, and personal assistance.

6. Modern Robotics (21st Century):

Contemporary robotics encompasses a diverse range of applications, from collaborative robots (cobots) working alongside humans to autonomous vehicles and advanced humanoid robots.

The Current State of Robotics:

Over the course of several decades, the field of robotics has undergone significant advancements, making substantial contributions to our world. Concurrently, it has provided innovative solutions that enhance and expedite daily activities. The application of robotics has extended across diverse sectors globally, with ongoing discoveries regarding its utility in areas such as agriculture, urban and regional planning, traffic systems, and beyond.

1. Industrial Robotics:

The manufacturing sector has witnessed a revolution with the integration of industrial robots. These machines streamline production processes, increase productivity, and contribute to the creation of high-quality products.

2. Medical Robotics:

Surgical robots, telepresence systems, and robotic prosthetics are transforming the field of healthcare. Robotics enhances surgical precision, enables remote medical interventions, and provides innovative solutions for patients with physical challenges.

3. Autonomous Vehicles:

The automotive industry is at the forefront of adopting robotics, with the development of autonomous vehicles. These vehicles have the potential to revolutionize transportation, improve safety, and reduce traffic congestion.

4. Service and Social Robotics:

Robots are increasingly entering the service sector, assisting with tasks such as cleaning, delivery, and customer service. Social robots are designed to interact with humans, providing companionship and assistance in various contexts.

5. Exploration and Research Robotics:

Robots play a crucial role in exploration, whether it's deep-sea exploration, space missions, or disaster response. These robots can access environments that are hazardous or inaccessible to humans.

The Future of Robotics:

1. Collaborative Robotics (Cobots):

The future holds the promise of collaborative robots working alongside humans in shared workspaces. Cobots can enhance efficiency and safety by combining the strengths of both human workers and machines.

2. Soft Robotics:

Advancements in soft robotics aim to create robots with flexible and adaptable structures. These robots could be better suited for tasks in unstructured environments and interact more safely with humans.

3. Artificial Intelligence Integration:

The synergy between robotics and artificial intelligence is poised to redefine the capabilities of robots. AI-powered robots can adapt to changing circumstances, learn from experience, and perform more complex tasks autonomously.


Interested in pursuing a path into robotics in 2024 but confused and don't know how to? Here are some steps and considerations:

1. Educational Foundation:

Acquire a strong educational background in relevant fields such as computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, or a specialized robotics program. Consider pursuing a bachelor's degree and, if possible, a master's or Ph.D. for more advanced roles.

2. Core Skills:

Develop foundational skills in programming languages such as Python, C++, and Java. Familiarize yourself with software development tools and platforms commonly used in robotics, including ROS (Robot Operating System), Tensor flow etc. These foundational steps will pave the way for a comprehensive understanding of the field and enhance your proficiency in robotic applications.

3. Specialized Robotics Courses:

Explore specialized courses and certifications in robotics. Many universities and online platforms offer courses that cover topics such as robotic systems, control algorithms, machine learning for robotics, and computer vision.

4. Hands-On Experience:

Gain practical experience by working on robotics projects. This can include building and programming robots, participating in robotics competitions, or contributing to open-source robotics projects. Hands-on experience is invaluable in developing practical skills.

5. Networking and Community Involvement:

Join robotics communities, both online and offline. Attend conferences, workshops, and meetups to connect with professionals and enthusiasts in the field.

6. Stay Informed on Industry Trends:

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in robotics. Follow academic research publications, industry news, and emerging technologies to understand the current landscape and potential areas of growth.

7. Internships and Research Opportunities:

Seek internships or research opportunities with companies, research institutions, or universities that focus on robotics.

8. Build a Portfolio:

Showcase your skills and projects in a portfolio. Include descriptions of the robotics projects you've worked on, the challenges you've overcome, and the outcomes achieved. A strong portfolio is essential when applying for jobs or research positions.

9. Soft Skills:

Develop soft skills such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. Robotics projects often involve collaboration with interdisciplinary teams, so the ability to communicate effectively and work well in a team is crucial.

10. Explore Specialized Areas:

Robotics is a diverse field with various specializations, including industrial robotics, medical robotics, autonomous vehicles, and more. Identify your areas of interest and explore specialized knowledge within those domains.

11. Consider Advanced Degrees:

Depending on your career goals, consider pursuing advanced degrees. A master's or Ph.D. can open doors to research opportunities and higher-level positions in academia or industry.

12. Adaptability and Lifelong Learning:

Robotics is a rapidly evolving field. Cultivate a mindset of adaptability and lifelong learning. Stay curious and be prepared to acquire new skills and knowledge as technologies evolve.

By following these steps you'll commence your journey into the field of robotics in 2024 and staying dedicated to continuous learning and practical application, you can build a solid foundation for a successful career in robotics in the years to come and beyond.



Robotics is not just a technological evolution; it is a transformative force that is reshaping the fabric of our society. As we navigate the future of automation, it is essential to strike a balance between embracing innovation and addressing the ethical, societal, and economic implications. By fostering responsible development, promoting inclusivity, and preparing for the changing nature of work, we can harness the full potential of robotics for the betterment of our world.

