#AICP blockchain

3 min readAug 20, 2022


One of the main goals of AICP blockchain is to help the growth and development of organizations and sectors such as educational and medical centers. Organizations can easily meet all their organizational needs by using AICP blockchain and Metaverse Matrix along with PoA algorithm.

Metaverse Matrix and AICP blockchain have the ability to implement enterprise software such as ERP, CRM, BI, SCM, HRM, BPMS and DMS.

The PoA algorithm selects a limited number of nodes that are responsible for validating transactions based on certain strict rules. These nodes are the only elements that are responsible for the operation of the network. Also, PoA allows organizations to maintain their privacy while benefiting from artificial intelligence blockchain technology.

In general, the PoA algorithm in private blockchain for organizations depends on the following conditions:

- Valid and reliable identities

- Validation

- Standardization for validator approval

In case of need and order of artificial intelligence blockchain by organizations, the PoA algorithm can be customized for organizations.

Proof of authority (PoA) is a mechanism allowing individuals to become eligible and legal validators. This cannot be an easy process, nor can it be easily dismissed. Finally, ensuring that all validations go through the same procedure to ensures system integrity and reliability.

The PoA mechanism is instrumented in such way that it ignores decentralization. This model of consensus algorithm is only an attempt to make centralized systems more efficient. While this makes PoA an attractive solution for large companies with logistical needs, for decentralized AICP blockchain systems it has the ability to use the PoT algorithm instead of the PoA algorithm.

PoA algorithm have high throughput, but the immutability aspects come into question when things like blacklisting are easy to achieve. Another common criticism is that the identity of PoA validators is visible to everyone, which in large organizations and companies, the identity of the validator is important for validation, and this is not considered a weakness here for PoA. In the public AICP blockchain, knowing the identity of creditors can potentially lead to third-party disclosure. For example, if an adversary wants to disrupt a PoA-based network, they may try to influence publicly known validators, that’s why in the public version AICP blockchain, we have provided a PoT algorithm solution.

Artificial intelligence blockchain considers the prerequisites of organizations based on provided data and serves the needs of organizations based on the organizational software it has.

AICP blockchain and ruleless algorithm with the help of NLP, has the ability to learn. So, if an organization needs a specific process and there is no such process in its system, it starts designing a structure for the desired process. And finally, it proposes the structure and if approved, implements the structure as a software or a part of the existing software.

Organizations have two ways to access the capabilities of AI Blockchain and Matrix Metaverse:

First, organizations can purchase a copy of the artificial intelligence blockchain along with Metaverse Matrix and implement it in the organization by our experts.

Some of key advantages of using private AICP blockchain includes:

- Being exclusive

- Customization of PoA algorithm

- Node leveling for PoA

- The possibility of personalizing enterprise software

- Owning the exclusive version of Matrix Metaverse

- Get updates for free

- AICP-Sec algorithm customization

Second, in a case that an organization have limited budget for buying private blockchain or wants to use the global version of Metaverse Matrix along with AICP blockchain, they can use the public version by buying a land in Metaverse Matrix.

Other advantages of artificial intelligence blockchain and Matrix Metaverse is that all organizations with any amount of workload, personnel and financial ability can use Matrix Metaverse and artificial intelligence blockchain, whether privately or publicly.

