Creating a Plan for an Interactable Chest

Aidan Hart
2 min readMar 6, 2024


Today, we’re going to be figuring out the next steps for a new scene in my AR project. This scene will involve using a skull to unlock a treasure chest.

To begin, I first added everything needed to make a functioning AR app. This includes an AR Session, XR origin, and AR placement interactable. I also added an Examiner manager that we’ll use later in this article.

Next, we’re going to access the prefab that has the chest and skull. We’re going to make the skull interactable. We won’t do anything to the chest for now.

For our skull game object, we’re adding the examiner script and AR selection interactable. The examiner script won’t work without the use of the selection interaction events.

This guide is using an examiner made using C#, you can learn how to do that by checking them out.

When we build and run this scene, we should be able to rotate the skull using the examiner.

In the next article, we’re going to be working on communicating with the gems to unlock the chest using C#.

