Creating a Speed Power Up

Aidan Hart
2 min readAug 2, 2023


This is gonna act a lot like the triple shot power up, but instead this will boost the players speed! This will involve modular systems so if you haven’t read my guide on that, go check it out.

To get started, create a new float variable in the player script. This will represent the speed boost for the power up.

After that, we’ll want to create a new method that will make the default speed variable multiplied by the power up. We’ll also want to make a coroutine so that it reverts back to normal.

After that we need to add the new method to our modular system in the power up script. All we need to do is add it to case 1.

After finishing the script, create an object with the sprite animation of choice, add a power up tag to it, create rigidbody and collider components, and voila! A new power up is made!

The only difference between the triple shot power up and this movement one is how they affect the player.

