Aidan Sliney
2 min readJan 20, 2016

Spotify acquires Soundwave!

Soundwave & Spotify, making waves together.

We’re absolutely thrilled to announce that Soundwave has been acquired by Spotify!

Since we began our Soundwave journey in 2012, we’ve been blown away by the support we’ve received throughout, having dedicated the last 3 years of our lives to realizing our vision to make music discovery a more social & enjoyable experience again.

The Soundwave app, downloaded over 1.5 million times across 190 countries in 14 languages, has received more positive reviews from our global army of users than we could ever have anticipated. The gatekeepers of our industry, Apple and Google have recognized the quality in our work too. Since launch, the Soundwave product has been voted by Apple as “Best Innovation in Music” and has been permanently positioned globally by Google in the Android “Editors Choice” sections alongside only 50 other apps out of over 1.5 million.

Along the way, we’ve been Ernst & Young ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ finalists & named by Forbes as one of “5 Companies that Made Media Consumption Smarter in 2013”. We’ve had endorsements from industry pioneers like Steve Wozniak, Stephen Fry and Mark Cuban. And we’ve spoken at Google I/O, LeWeb, Midem, Web Summit, EBN Congress and Music Tech Fest amongst others.

As our database of songs tracked has grown to over 150 million, we’ve watched along gleefully as our users have found new music, found new friends and even new loves. We’ve seen “Freebird” playing in North Korea & “Anarchy” playing at the White house.

The music industry is changing, and its changing fast. We think now is the perfect time for Soundwave to join forces with Spotify, the #1 music streaming service in the world and the perfect home for us to continue our mission.

We owe our gratitude to a lot of people for helping us reach this milestone today & we’re excited. But we’re even more excited about hitting our next milestone and the one after that again.

Many thanks,
Brendan, Aidan, Craig & Team Soundwave

“This isn’t the end. This isn’t even the beginning of the end. However, this is the end of the beginning.”- Winston Churchill