How to Give Memorable Compliments

That will last a lifetime

Aidan Vuocolo
3 min readJan 2, 2020
Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash

For the last 30 minutes, I was dreading to have the conversation.

We had just spent the day, visiting a number of hospitality venues, this was the first opportunity I had getting out of the office.

And yet, all I could think about during the final minutes was how do I say thanks.

I remember saying: “Thanks for the opportunity today, I really appreciated it.”

And it got me thinking…

How could I have turned the compliment into something more memorable?

Be Authentic

There’s nothing worse than giving someone a fake compliment, just to butter them up so that you can influence them later on. As humans, we can pick up the meaning behind someones words.

When you’re coming from a place of good intentions, and you mean what you say, this will show up as authentic to the receiver.

It can be hard at times to be authentic, because we put up all these shields to protect ourselves, but we end up distancing ourselves from others.

A good rule to follow is to check in on your intentions before giving someone a compliment. If it’s to show true appreciation, then go right ahead, but if you have an…

