The Engine and The Trident.

4 min readMar 10, 2023


The Engine and The Trident.

The entities that will be the cornerstones to the DegenAI protocol.

Yin and Yang; these meticulously-crafted tools will work in tandem flawlessly to deliver a unique experience in a way never seen before.

With The Trident serving as the triple-pronged spearhead for revenue accumulation and The Engine serving as the backbone for algorithmic revenue distribution, the DegenAI community will be served an elite experience like no other.

Without further adieu, let’s dive into each, starting with The Trident.

The Trident

Often associated with the Greek god Poseidon or the Roman god Neptune, The Trident was a three-pronged spear that symbolized the three properties of water:

  • Liquidity
  • Fecundity
  • Drinkability

Now, I will leave you all to search for the meanings of those words, but understand they possess fundamental principles that will be core concepts for this part of the protocol. However, we chose The Trident for a different reason. Each of the three prongs on The Trident represent a revenue source for the protocol as a whole:

  • AI/ML arbitraging
  • Bot leasing
  • Algorithmic trading

Let’s dive into the first prong, which will likely be the primary revenue accumulator for the protocol: AI/ML Arbitraging.

Arbitraging is often a market tactic that is overlooked or not understood properly although incredibly profitable if done correctly — this opens an opportunity for the DegenAI protocol to capitalize upon and take a larger market share for ourselves rather than fighting for scraps in over-worked, saturated, unreliable and often inconsistent niches such as microcap investing, swing trading, etc.

When arbitraging, counterparty risk is often minimal, as the DegenAI protocol will be aiming to extract mismatched value across other protocols, versus the counterparty risk from the aforementioned methods such as microcap trading being inherently high (you’re most likely exit liquidity).

The premise of the lessened counterparty risk along with unsaturated opportunities for value extraction (within reason) is the core reason that this prong will carry most of the weight/value of The Trident as a whole.

How will it work?

Without going into too much detail, the arbitrage engine will periodically scan and index feeds across the market as a whole which includes a multitude of tokens, protocols (bridges, exchanges, etc), farms, oracles, etc., scans for mismatched value opportunities, and extracts profit automatically.

The initial phase of the arbitrage engine will likely be rudimentary at best as useful datasets are created and safeguards are incorporated,but will be refined and sharpened as time goes on.

The second prong, bot leasing, is a concept that is gaining traction lately with the success of projects such as $BAG; we aim to do something similar in a much more grandeur manner.

When Pennyworth was first conceptualized, he was meant to be a fun tool for degenerates to use in Telegram chats. As he was built out more and more and the success of bot leasing became apparent, it too became apparent that Pennyworth could be a revenue-generating powerhouse in his own right. That’s why we’ve decided to outfit Pennyworth with even more Telegram-based utilities beyond his original suite; these additional utilities will cover areas such as:

  • simple Telegram raiding — retweet, favorite, quote tweet directly from Telegram with Pennyworth
  • Telegram raiding bounties to incentivize your community!
  • Essential commands such as charts, token information, gas checks, etc
  • Ad spaces
  • (Sorry IncomeSharks, but this is a very, very easy addition…) API calls that all your favorite “AI” projects do for things such as image generation and chatbot!
  • And much more…

Pennyworth went from being a degenerate fun b[o]tler to reimagined as a necessity for chats to have; he’ll have the fun games for the degenerates, tools for the traders and communities, and a little something for the rest of you.

The third and final prong will be very basic algorithmic trading. Simple in nature but profitable in long-term practice, we’ll be using simple indicator-based strategies for intraday scalping.

This third prong is initially conceived to be the prong that carries the least weight when compared to the other two; however, if all goes well, we plan to increase the weight.

The entire Trident will be built as a liquidity-fluid utility with revenues from each one flowing across all three prongs in the most intelligent way possible, so value weighting will change in due time; these initial weightings are what we are envisioning initially.

The Engine

The Engine will be an algorithmic liquidity controller as a whole for the DegenAI protocol.

Serving as the backbone of The Trident, The Engine will be the entity that controls the flow of liquidity across prongs and also will be in control of the revenue distribution made to the users.

On the upcoming DegenAI dapp, The Engine will be the distributor for revenues made by The Trident; however, The Engine will do this in an efficient and intelligent way rather than typical linear methods seen by conventional projects.

The Engine will consistently change distribution size, distribution manner, and distribution token depending on a variety of variables taken into account. The Engine will also offer various exit points for the user based on similar variables.

As we approach the release of the DegenAI dapp, The Engine’s full capabilities will be outlined.

Veni… ██████████ 100%

Vidi… ██████████ 100%

Vici… ██████▒▒▒▒ 60%



~ Glep

