is joining Twitter today!
2 min readNov 21, 2019


We’re thrilled to announce that Aiden spread its wings to join a high speed flock! After 3 unforgettable years, imagining, building and then delivering Aiden, our AI marketing analyst is now going to help power Twitter self- serve advertising business to unlock performance for small businesses.

Since the creation of, our purpose has been to make the life of SMB marketers easier, and to unlock incremental performance from their ad campaigns. The result of this vision is Aiden, a software that plugs into advertising data and generates improvement recommendations, using machine learning as a fuel. Detecting anomalies in cost per acquisition, allocating budgets automatically, or preventing creative fatigue are things Aiden made simple and accessible to even small spenders. More performance with less effort.

Our team of 11 could not be more proud and excited that the technology we have built is now going to benefit millions of small businesses advertising on Twitter, making their marketing dollars work harder for them.

We’re particularly grateful to our customers, who have provided precious feedback to constantly improve Aiden! Our platform will now cease its activities as we are transitioning to integrate into the Twitter self serve platform.

See you soon on the other side 🐦👋

