Funny Short Stories For Kids — How To Keep Your Children Engaged at Storytime

Quinn Cummings
3 min readJun 30, 2021


Funny Short Stories For Kids #1

Confession — As much as we love to read, Aidyn has not wanted me to read to him since he left for the summer.

Back Story: I co-parent and Aidyn is with his father for the summer. He gets plenty of play and outside time when he is there, but not much reading happens. I made a promise to myself this summer that we would make it a habit for me to call and read him a story.

Well… Aidyn is not having it 😩…

Each time I call to read him a story, he makes up an excuse. So I get discouraged and tell him I will call back later with a book to read and he changes his mind.

He does get some reading in.

I know that he still watches read alouds on YouTube, tunes into our live author read alouds on our page, and uses his book app.

But this is not enough for me 😭! Reading aloud to Aidyn is what drives our closeness. After reading a story– I ask questions and we have the best chats! And I miss that.

So here is where the funny short story comes in:

We LOVE❤️ Dad Jokes. Like… love them! We will read Dad Jokes while sitting on the couch and just crack up! This gave me the idea to work on short funny stories for Aidyn! I figure I’ll tell him I have a joke (which he always open to!) and then I’ll start to read the hilarious short stories with the Dad Joke built-in and it will be a winner!

I will share the story below and then I will let you all know how it went! Make sure you let me know if you enjoyed the story in the comments!

So… did you laugh?! 😂

Aidyn had a ball with this! He even questioned whether I really wrote it! LOL

He wants to hear one again tonight… I hope I can make it happen!

Let me know in the comments. Did you like this story? Did the kids laugh? These are questions that need answers 😂

Until next time…

❤️ Quinn

P.S. If you are looking for other ways to sneak reading time in — check out How Do I Find Time To Read To My Child. Want to make reading aloud more engaging? Check out our series: Reading Tips from Children’s Book Authors



Quinn Cummings

We help parents connect with their children through story.