Introducing Global Talent… #YES

AIESEC in Blida
7 min readSep 17, 2016


If you take a look at our society nowadays, you will see that our youth lack the necessary skills to survive a corporate environment. The reason behind it, is that through our journey of formal education we are not introduced to the challenges of the real world.

That’s why young people face a state of disappointment after they finish college, not only for not finding a job, but also for not being able to survive in a professional working environment.

AIESEC is offering you today the opportunity to overcome those challenges and obstacles through Global Talent.

Not only will you gain the professional work experience you need to jump-start your career, but also you will do it abroad in an intense cross-cultural environment.

Imagine the advantages you will have by going through such experience. You will be a superhero standing out in the job market. Instead of hunting jobs, jobs will be hunting you.

The #YES campaign has the goal of starting a movement to improve Algeria’s youth. Because through our Global Talent program, we transform Young people into Experienced talents and Successful leaders. As you can see the initials of those words form the word “YES”, that’s why we hope that you will say YES to this opportunity and become the leader you always dreamed to be.

But before we go further allow me to make something clear, a lot of people get confused about the world “talent”, in our contexte,developing talent, means striving to reach your full potential in your field, to become more skillful and having valuable knowledge that will increase your employability chances.

More than 900+ opportunities are waiting for you in our opportunities portal in diverse industries, from Education (teaching languages), to Marketing, to Engineering, to Software Development, HR and many more.

With our global partners we guarantee you an enriching experience that will completely change your life, personally and professionally.

In addition to that, through our Leadership Development Model you will become the successful leader you always dreamed to be.

In AIESEC we strive to achieve peace and fulfillment of human kind’s potential by placing our confidence in youth as the key to unlock a better future, and we believe that leadership is the fundamental solution and it can be developed by anyone.

What is the difference between Global Talent & Global Citizen?

You might be familiar with our other exchange program known as Global Citizen (Currently known as Global Volunteer), and if you find it confusing to distinguish between the two, we will make everything clear for you by explaining the main 4 differences.


First, we start with the purpose of the programs. While Global Talent aims to provide young people with global internship opportunities that allow them to gain professional experience, Global Citizen strives to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through offering unique volunteering experiences with the purpose of having a social impact.


The enabler is the entity in which you will experience your internship.

For Global Talent, our enablers vary from startups, small to medium companies, to multinationals, something that gives you the opportunity to acquire work experience that you dreamed of having.

For Global Citizen, it’s mainly Non-Governmental Organizations.


Although both programs require a minimum of 6 weeks of availability, Global Talent and Global Citizen differs in the maximum length of opportunities. With the former you have the ability to live your experience up to 78 weeks, while the latter have a maximum of 3 months.

You might ask yourself why 78 weeks, just think about the skills and knowledge you will acquire during all this period by interning in a multinational or start up while living abroad.

Plus, you never know the opportunities that will open up for your career during that period, you can get hired if they see potential in you. Isn’t it worth the shot?


Finally, since Global Talent is an internship program, you will be paid for your position, the salary varies from country to country, and from an opportunity to another.

And since Global Citizen is a volunteering program (That’s why it’s called now Global Volunteer) you will not be paid, but you will for sure live an experience that cannot be valued with money.

Steps to Participate in Global Talent

Now that you’re completely convinced about how beneficial Global Talent can be to you and your career, and after knowing the difference between it and our other program, you’re probably excited to take the next step and asking yourself what should I do now?

We will take you through the step-by-step process that you will follow from the moment you sign-up in our opportunities portal until the day you start your internship.

Are you excited to start? YES!? Let’s go!

Step 1: Signing-up

The first step in your journey is signing-up in our opportunity portal.

In order to start searching and applying for opportunities you need to have an account.

To sign-up, simply go to: and fill up the form like you are creating any other online account.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you choose “Blida” when selecting a local committee if you want to be served by us.

And that’s it for the first step. Isn’t it easy? Try it now, we’ll be waiting for you to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Completing Your Profile

After creating an account, you will need now to complete your profile and add all your personal and professional information.

Make sure that you enter all your personal information, starting with your phone number, because it is very important.

After that, start adding your professional experience and study level and domain… etc

IMPORTANT: In order to apply for opportunities, you have to upload your C.V. (We will provide you with a detailed guide on how to create a C.V very soon)

During this step, you will be introduced to your EP Manager, a member from AIESEC in Blida who will be guiding you throughout the whole process and providing you with the necessary support.

Your EP Manager will be giving support from the day that he/she is assigned to you until you come back from your internship, staying in touch with you during all that period making sure that you get the experience you signed-up for.

Step 3: Looking & Applying For Opportunities

Now that you have everything ready, it’s time to start looking for the opportunity that fits you.

By logging into your account and selecting “Global Talent” you will have an advanced search tool at your service that allows you to look for opportunities based on your availability date, preferred country, fields… etc

Now all you have to do is to go through the opportunities that fits your criteria and read all the details about it. Each opportunity is documented with detailed job descriptions, requirements.. etc

After reading and finding the most suitable opportunity for you, it’s time to apply for it simply by clicking the button “Apply Now”.

IMPORTANT: In addition to your C.V a cover letter is mandatory to apply. (We will provide you with tips about it as well soon)

After applying to your favorite opportunities, you need some patience while waiting for a reply.

If you are accepted, you move on to the next step, otherwise you can apply for other opportunities until you get accepted.

Step 4: Hosting Entity & Company Interview

After being accepted, you will have to pass two interviews, the first one with the hosting AIESEC entity that will receive you, and the second one with the company in which you will be interning.

The former will be focused on you as a person, and the latter will be about your skills and how well do you fit in the position you applied for.

Passing such interviews won’t be an easy task, this will be the hardest step in all the process. But don’t worry, we got you covered, we prepared for you a list of tips of how to prepare for an interview, how to act during it, and what do after it. It will be published soon, stay tuned.

Step 5: Submitting Your Visa Request & Paperwork

After passing the interview and being accepted, all you have to do now is to get your visa and all necessary papers ready and then you’re set to go.

AIESEC will provide you with an invitation letter to facilitate the process of getting your visa.

Step 6: Buying Your Flight Ticket & Taking Off

You are now accepted, have your visa and ready for your internship. All you need is to buy your flight ticket, say “Good Bye” to your loved ones, and take off.

You’re about to experience the adventure of a lifetime.

A Final Word…

If you are already willing to take this challenge, you don’t need to read this.

Now if you are hesitating, I have a question for you: What is keeping you from taking this challenge?

Fear of failure? Fear of the unknown? Fear of not being competent enough? Guess what? That’s exactly why you have to take this challenge.

Nothing great was ever achieved without taking risk and staying inside the comfort zone.

What you should do instead is use fear as a compass that will guide you to the next step you need to take in your life.

If you have any questions or need more clarifications, don’t hesitate to contact us through our Facebook page:

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