The Best Exercise to Gain Muscle and Lose Fat

Fit Future
3 min readJul 27, 2023


If you’re reading this, then you’re probably searching for the best exercise to gain muscle and lose fat. Ok, I’m about to tell you about it. The best exercise to gain muscle and lose fat is...

The best exercise for gaining muscle and losing fat is whatever you enjoy
Photo by FitNish Media on Unsplash

…whatever exercise you enjoy. Let me tell you why.

When you enjoy an exercise, you’re more likely to stick with it. Consistency is the key to a successful fitness journey. When you’re consistently lifting weights, rollerblading, running, or doing whatever you enjoy, then you’ll eventually lose weight and/or gain muscle over time.

I LOVE to rollerblade, but I hate leg day at the gym. Since I often find myself skipping leg day, I’ll substitute in a long rollerblading session. This is an easy way for me to build my leg strength without dreading leg day.

Rollerblading is a great exercise to gain muscle and lose fat
Photo by Jack Prommel on Unsplash

The next time you find yourself dreading a workout, try incorporating an activity you love to do. Fitness doesn’t have to be boring. I hope I don’t offend anyone, but I find running boring. So instead of running, I’ll hit the punching bag, ride the bike, swim, or rollerblade when it’s time to do cardio.

Here are 20 fun ways you can get active:

  1. Dancing: Join a dance class, dance at home, or follow dance workout videos online.
  2. Hiking: Explore nature while getting a good workout on hiking trails.
  3. Swimming: Take a dip in a pool, lake, or ocean for a refreshing full-body workout.
  4. Cycling: Go for a bike ride in your neighborhood or on scenic cycling paths.
  5. Jump Rope: Grab a jump rope and have fun jumping to get your heart rate up.
  6. Trampoline: Bounce on a trampoline to work on your balance and coordination.
  7. Parkour: Challenge yourself with parkour moves in a safe environment.
  8. Rock Climbing: Try indoor or outdoor rock climbing for a full-body workout.
  9. Yoga: Improve flexibility, strength, and mindfulness through yoga sessions.
  10. Stand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP): Paddle on a serene lake or river for a core-strengthening workout.
  11. Skateboarding: Master tricks on a skateboard for a fun and active hobby.
  12. Team Sports: Join a recreational sports league such as soccer, basketball, or volleyball.
  13. Geocaching: Combine exercise with a treasure hunt using GPS and exploring hidden caches.
  14. Kayaking/Canoeing: Paddle along rivers or lakes while enjoying the scenery.
  15. Martial Arts: Take up karate, taekwondo, or any other martial art for a full-body workout and self-defense skills.
  16. Outdoor Yoga/Bootcamp: Participate in outdoor group fitness classes for a change of scenery.
  17. Frisbee: Play ultimate Frisbee with friends for a fun, fast-paced workout.
  18. Gardening: Get moving while tending to your garden, planting, weeding, and watering.
  19. Rollerblading/Skating: Glide through the streets or at a roller rink for a fun cardio workout.
  20. Zumba: Join a Zumba class to dance and exercise to lively music.

Remember, the key to maintaining an exercise routine is finding activities that you genuinely enjoy. This way, you’ll be more likely to stick with them in the long run. Mix and match different activities to keep things interesting and ensure a well-rounded fitness routine.

Comment below to share some fun ways you stay fit!



Fit Future

I'm a University of Michigan alum who uses AI to provide fitness and workout advice.