Microsoft Designer: A Game-Changer in AI Image Generation

Lee Burnette
3 min readApr 29, 2023


The world of AI image generation has been rapidly evolving, with software giants like Adobe and Canva integrating AI tools within their platforms. Now, it’s time for Microsoft to join the fray with Microsoft Designer. This AI tool aims to create visual designs and templates, making it a valuable addition to the creative software market. Let’s dive in and explore what makes Microsoft Designer unique and how it can benefit users like you.

What Is Microsoft Designer?

Microsoft Designer, introduced in late 2022, is an AI-powered image generation tool. Initially on the back burner, Microsoft published a blog post in April 2023 to showcase its latest functionality and invite users to try out the web-based AI software. The tool is currently in Preview — a web-based beta platform available to anyone. There is no information on whether it will become a standalone app, part of a premium model, or continue as a free browser-based program.

Creating Designs with Microsoft Designer

Microsoft Designer offers a simple interface, featuring a large text box for users to write their prompts and a Generate button. Users can also add their images or choose from pre-designed templates to help generate their designs.

After selecting a generated template, users can customize it by selecting any element of the design, accessing a popup that allows for specific changes. A small toolbar is also available to add media and visuals, text, or branding with the Brand Kit feature. The Brand Kit works similarly to Canva’s Brand Kit, making it easy to maintain consistent branding across designs.

Designer supports various formats, including social media images like Instagram Stories and Facebook Banners, as well as video templates for more dynamic content. Custom sizes are also available, ensuring users can create designs that perfectly fit their needs.

Unlike competitors such as Adobe Firefly and Canva Magic, which only offer four alternative image generations, Microsoft Designer provides up to 15 options for users to choose from.

No More Waitlist for Microsoft Designer

Microsoft has announced that Designer no longer requires users to join a waitlist, as the company has expanded its preview with significant improvements. The AI tool can now be found in the Microsoft Edge sidebar, alongside other AI features like Bing AI, as well as on its own web client.

Users can simply type a prompt for any design they have in mind, and Microsoft Designer will create it using DALL-E and generative AI technology. This makes it incredibly easy to create designs without any prior experience, making it a powerful alternative to other tools like Canva.

Microsoft Designer is a game-changer in the AI image generation landscape, offering a simple yet powerful tool for creating visually stunning designs and templates. With its user-friendly interface, customization options, and integration with Microsoft Edge, this tool has the potential to become a go-to resource for both experienced and novice designers alike. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to explore the capabilities of Microsoft Designer and elevate your creative projects.

