Catherine Odion Aigbe
5 min readJun 1, 2020


Ever since the existence of social media, lots of people have become fondly with the use of social apps. The internet is exploding with growth, more people than ever are online.
Regardless of the benefits that comes with using these apps like creating job opportunities, money, awareness on important issues and so on, social media also has its bad effect, not to talk about the effects social media has on the conscious and unconscious human mind.

It is a common practice to automatically grab your phone when you find yourself doing something nice or interesting and post on social media (a time where openness and publicity is highly in vogue) but these days, people even go overboard with posting their private lives on social media. Always feeling the need to share one thing or the other about their businesses in general.
Frequently posting your businesses on social media can lead to social comparison (where people compare their lives with others). This can lead to mental breakdown.

The popular saying “a private life is a happy life” is definitely true because logically people won’t have to gossip or start a rumour about you or people related to you, although sometimes we can’t stop other people from creating gossips or talking about you, but nevertheless a private life minifies drama.
Well only people who value privacy would know the joy that comes from it.

Resisting the urge to overshare on social media has become a huge problem. Especially for people who would normally share too much personal or sensitive information to the public or a stranger. People use social apps as diaries, personal grievances and very personal details for everyone to see.

Some examples of Oversharing can be;
-Constantly “checking in” to everywhere you go
-Using social media accounts as a way of regularly venting your emotions.
-Posting sensitive and intimate stuff about your personal matters, relationship, friendship and family members
-Posting about everything you are currently doing multiple times a day
-Uploading videos and pictures of things you well know should be private.

The list goes on and on...

One shouldn’t become an open book which can be read by anyone.
It is not at all necessary to share every parts of our lives with other people especially people we don’t know and don’t even care about us.


Not everyone is happy for you. You post happy moments and your wins on social media to get congratulated, or for people to know how happy your life is. But the truth is, even with all the happy comments on your posts, not everybody is really glad about that and gives a hundred support to it.
Some people might see you as a proud person leading to jealousy and envy (although we shouldn’t care about what people think of us anyways) or try to use such good for evil towards your success.
Also posting sensitive matters or situations happening to you to get pity from your followers is always a wrong move. Your drama is an entertainment for them because no one really cares.

2) Intimidating other people
When you do not resist the urge to overshare your private life on social media, you give other people the impression that your life is so much better than theirs hence indirectly creating low self esteem in them and making them feel insecure about their own lives. You also give them the chance to try by all means leveling up to your standard, eventually leading them to follow your path of oversharing and putting up their private life on social media (social comparison).

3)Personal low self esteem
Nothing worse than posting something you find so dear to you on social apps and seeing hogwash comments or critics from your supposed followers. This would definitely make you feel bad and can reduce your self esteem if it happens all the time.

4) Security reasons
Your private information are important to you, putting those up for everyone to know about is a dangerous move. Some people would try to do bad things using your private information like creating fake account, using your number for scam, hacking your account.
Cyber criminals need only few personal info to carry on their theft act like gaining access to your financial resources, your home or work address and even harm people that are close to you.

5)For the purpose of future gigs
These days one can find their dream jobs on the internet, when employers check your page and see things that they don’t approve of because of something you’ve posted in the past, you tend to get disqualified for that job. You wouldn’t want that for you knowing that you are well qualified for the job role.
Also some time ago, travelling agencies stated how your social media accounts might be viewed and checked for qualification of a Visa.

6) Destroying bonds and relationships
There have been incidents where friendships and even intimate relationships were ruined because of what a partner posted on social media.
It is no doubt relationships can be spoilt when you constantly have something to say or post about your friends or your partner. People are watching and any silly mistake you are automatically dragged alongside your friends or partner who you frequently post about.

7) The internet never forgets
When you are too quick to post everything on Social media, there is a tendency you can post the wrong things, before you realize it and want to delete such posts, few persons already saved them on their phones.
Or you post something because of how you are feeling at the moment, could be due to anger or something else and you choose to delete it later.
These information can ruin one’s reputation in the future especially when such info are sensitive.

The constant use of social media always can lead to oversharing, putting up stuff that you shouldn’t. Try to take a break off it, breathe, do something fun with your time, watch movies. Avoid being on something 24/7 that can cause harm to you. If you can’t stay off it, do more of watching/viewing than typing.

Truth be told, the world does not care about what you do every night, doesn’t care about what your man or your woman got you for your birthday. The world honestly do not care about every detail of your life. Resist the urge to put your private life up on social media it will save you from so many things and keep you sane.