Giving Up is Never an Option

Aigo Faith
3 min readJul 17, 2018


Life can seem impossible sometimes; there’s never enough time to get all the work done, break-ups happen, challenges come along. Sometimes things can get overwhelming that you might want to crawl into your bed ad never leave the safety of your covers or may be your thoughts are more serious and you’ve considered giving up everything to escape your situation. No matter what you are going through just know that you can get through this. Here are some of the questions to ask yourself if you are feeling hopeless,helpless or down.

Have you accepted your helplessness? you must continue to try to escape the situation because you never know maybe something that you do will work. Always attempt to climb out of the pit of despair even when yo feel as though you have no solid footing, it may be clumsy and feel awkward and it may take many attempts to get out, but the only way out is to try. If you simply accept that u believe its your fate you won’t go any where. But if you can do it and dare to take a chance that you can climb out of the pit, perhaps it will work. The only way to overcome helplessness is to learn that you can affect change.

Did you change your thoughts? if you believe that you cannot affect change then you will not even try. So if you find yourself saying “I can’t”, or “There is nothing that I can do”, trying changing your thoughts to “I can at least try” and “This may not work, but I’ll try it”. That at least allows the possibility that you can affect change.

Are you focused forward or do you dwell on the past? past events and things at this moment may be painful, but what about in a month, a year or five years?. You never know what wonderful thing may be around the corner for you; allow yourself to hope and dream, set goals and look at the road ahead.

Do you feel frozen by a major decision you have to make? take time and come up with a plan for your day. Make a list and start working through it. Put the major decisions a head and focus on the little tasks you need to accomplish at the end of the day, journal about your major decision as this can help to process your thoughts; the right decisions will come to you at the right time.

Did you try and try again? once you try to make a change or to find a solution to problems in your life, don’t give up if the first solution doesn’t work. Try something else and if that doesn’t work, try again. Perseverance may be the key to you unlearning your learned helplessness. So try anything that you can think of; no matter how little you believe that it will work, any attempts to escape the situation even if it fails is better than no attempt.

“Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes courage is the quite voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow’ ”
Mary Anne Radmacher

