“Leonardo.ai prompting secret will blow you away”

4 min readFeb 28, 2023



This cutting-edge tool is revolutionizing the way creators approach their work, providing endless inspiration and generating unique prompts that will take your art, writing, and design to new heights. In this article, we’ll take a quick dive into the exciting world of the aitextpromptgenerator.com, exploring its features and how it can help you unlock your creativity like never before.

Here is the steps.

  1. Navigate to app.leonardo.ai

2. Click the AI Image Generation Tab

3. In a separate tab navigate to aitextpromptgenerator.com

4. Click on the builder tab on the left side bar

5. Inside the builder click “RANDOM”

6. Select “Everything!” from the drop down menu

7. Click the “Step 1 — Base Prompt: Start with your main subject” field.

8. Delete the default text and enter your own subject Example: a horse made of liquid paint

9. Scroll down to Step 3: Final prompt input and click the copy icon.

10. Switch tabs back to app.leonardo.ai

11. Click the “Type a prompt …” field.

12. Press CTRL + V

13. Click “Generate

14. You should now see your images begin to generate.

15. Now lets run the same prompt but with different styles

16. Switch Tabs back to aitextpromptgenerator.com

17. Click “RANDOM”

18. And select “Styles” this time. This will add a whole new set of styles only to your base prompt.

19. Scroll down and click the Step 3 final prompt copy icon.

20. Switch tabs back to leonardo.ai

21. Click the “Type a prompt …” field.

22. Press CTRL + A

23. Press “ BACKSPACE”

24. Press CTRL + V

25. We just deleted our old prompt and pasted our new prompt with the new styles in.

26. Now click “Generate”

27. Optional: Turn on Prompt Magic and see how the results change

28. That’s it, just have fun. Change your base prompt and start manually adding or deleting styles. See what else you can create.

Get the app here: aitextpromptgenerator.com


MAKE BETTER PROMPTS FAST :An innovative platform that allows you to generate custom prompts that can be used with any AI art generator, such as Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Disco Diffusion, DALL-E, and more.


The platform’s prompt builder makes it easy to create custom prompts that are specific to your project or desired outcome. With just a few clicks, you can generate high-quality images that are perfect for use in various industries, including art, design, marketing, and more.

What sets aitextpromptgenerator.com apart from other AI-based image generators is its focus on customization and control. The prompt builder feature allows you to create prompts from scratch, giving you more control over the images you generate. You can tailor the prompts to your specific needs, resulting in images that are unique to your project.

In summary, aitextpromptgenerator.com is a fantastic platform for generating custom prompts that can be used with any AI art generator. It offers a simple and effective way to generate high-quality images that are tailored to your needs, all while giving you more control over the process. Whether you’re an artist, designer, marketer, or anyone in need of high-quality images, aitextpromptgenerator.com is the perfect tool to help you unleash your creativity and achieve your goals with ease.




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