Here’s what I do after creating copy for clients.

And A Few Other Ways To Over Deliver In Your Projects

3 min readOct 20, 2022

You’ve probably heard it a thousand times. Having a service-based business is massively rewarding

Lately, I’ve been figuring out how to scale mine. And trust me, I don’t mean from 4 to 6 figures.

I mean from 3 to 4. I’m a writer. Oftentimes, I think most of us doubt the authenticity of making a full-time income from an online writing business. Most likely, a vast majority of us started it as a side hustle. And have no idea — till now about the possibilities of building a writing business.

I was there until a couple of weeks ago.

Feasible dream?

Yes, it is. About 3 days ago, I stumbled on Jose Rosados’ post on Instagram highlighting what’s needed for a high ticket offer.

His answer is, just add a couple of zeros to your $10 writing service.

Pretty straightforward. Trust me, it isn’t. Like every story starring a hero and his huge success, is a backstory not everyone witnessed.

Jose explained the path that could lead to a sudden bump in how clients perceive your offer.

In my words, color them pretty

Here’s What That Means

First off, I’m certain over-delivering is one way to stand out in your offer. Aside from experience in the niche, your relationship with clients can give you an edge over a lot of writers.

That communication could take a couple of forms.

n’ You could make your onboarding process spectacular by giving clear visuals, presentations, and so on.

n’ Deliver fast results and keep away from empty promises

n’ Frequent through zoom or email makes the process smooth. If you can always inform a client about your progress at every step of the pipeline, go for it.

In my case, creating copy for clients isn’t the end of the road. I give out a mock-up representation of my copy on a wire framed website. This makes it easier for my client to have an idea of where each copy should be displayed on a webpage.

I resist the urge to make the wireframe fancy — and fail. That’s just me trying to be a perfectionist. Minimal and efficient still wins countless times


A couple of hours ago, I read through a carousel that explained the art of gaining client loyalty. That sounded ironic at first glance. More so, impossible.

But I was off base.

Loyal clients keep coming to you to solve their business problems and can pay you much more than it would have cost for a new one.

But a couple of things build on that trust.

n’ Relatable personal branding

n’ Project pipeline/onboarding process

And a couple more.

That’s my way, and a couple of others to over-deliver your services, and get back a top-notch review.

Hey, I’m Abdul.

My goal is to keep improving in everything I do. Especially my Writing Career (Primarily, for now)

My goal is to build a $1000 per month writing business online in 90–120 days as a full-timer (9–5 worker) and Prospective Student.

Sharing my insights, journey, and process with creators | writers along the way.

Watch me make it happen, and learn with me in my Weekly Saturday Newsletter (Live, Earn & Grow).

You can always follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram to get micro bits of content that helped me get started and learnings from being a creator/writer.

If you’d love to share your thoughts, please do. I will read and respond to everything 😊 🖤




Stories intersecting copywriting, self-growth, and mental health | Copywriter | Part-time Medium blogger